Sunday, May 20, 2012


Being a Christian is about having a real relationship with Jesus Christ, with God.  The born again Christian knows this to be true, yet so so so many of us don't pray.  The enemy would have us believe any lie about prayer to keep us from calling on the power of God.

The New Testament teaches us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Surely Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father without ceasing but Mark 1:35 shows what He also did, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."  He got all alone with God, where there would be no interruption.  If God in the flesh had to get completely alone to be with God and He also prayed without ceasing, what does that say for us?  Certainly we are not above Jesus Christ, God in the flesh? No!

Jesus also taught us how to pray: 
“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.'
**That is Praise & Thank God, pray for Christ's return,  ask for the attributes of heaven to show up on earth in God's will,  ask for his provision, ask for help to forgive as you continue to receive God's forgiveness, ask for help to stay away from temptation, ask for deliverance from the enemy.  
**He wants us to talk to Him about these things and all the "ins & outs" of our lives.

The enemy will whisper all kinds of lies about prayer to us to keep us from it.  God is so powerful, powerful beyond imagination.  Why would the devil want us talking to God if God is so powerful? he wouldn't, he doesn't.  Which is why so many of us don't talk to God on any kind of intimate level. I've learned more and more lately how prayer changes things!! God has helped me to grow in so many different areas due to prayer and is changing/ growing others due to prayer for them. God is all-powerful.

Start your day in prayer, ask Him to Carry you today. Pray, talk to God, hear Him... pray like Jesus taught us to... ask Him to help you grow to be the person He created you to be.  Personally I need to get better at the getting up early enough to start my day in alone time prayer; it would be about the only time I'd be able to without being interrupted. 

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