I'm still reading"66 Love Letters" by Larry Crabb. He is talking about the Love of God in the portion i read today. Isn't it true that we all come to the hard things in life and our image of our Creator gets rocked to the core. If God Loved me then He wouldn't have done xy or z. Right? I've lived in that. I've also lived in- How could God Love me I've done xy & z. This is certainly a distorted view of God. It is a lie. I need to see and understand the truth from the Word of God, which Crabb is writting on concerning the books of the prophets Isaiah-Malachi. I'll quote him:
"... A God who loves me and can do anything adds up to a wonderful life for me. It follows, as surely as bliss follows every wedding, that God's story of love tells the story of blessings for me. Or does it? Maybe my understnading of love is in need of radical revision...With out giving it much thought, I assume that someone with the resources to love me well would satisfy the deepest desires of which I'm aware and would solve whatever problems I perceive as standing in the way of my satisfaction. But suppose for some reason that I'm unaware of what I really do want the most, what I was wired by my Creator to enjoy. Suppose I'm like a child who sees candy in the bowl and broccoli on her plate and, quite innocently, reaches for the candy. If she gives it a thought, she expects her mother will smile and push the candy within reach for her outstretched arm. Add to the fable the child's diabetes, a problem she neither recognizes nor undertands but a problem that consumes her mother's attention. As the mother pulls the candy bowl out of the child's reach, then points to the broccoli and gently but firmly orders: 'Eat!' I can hear the three-year-old's confused whimpering, 'Mommy, I dont like broccoli. Why can't I have the candy? Don't you love me?'"
I feel like that child, expecting only what I think is perfect and best for me and those I love... expecting to be free of pain and sadness. Life is full of pain and sadness, but His promises to be there through them all are solid. He is our firm foundation... on Christ the solid Rock I'll stand, all other ground is sinking sand--the old hymn rings in my ears. I got used to that sinking sand, it was a sad and lonely place... I like the comfort of God during sadness and all other times better.
Recently I saw a Pinterest link in the fitness section. I go to that section a lot for motivation. Anyway, I found this one that said, "Strength is the result of Struggle". Truth. In order to grow up in Christ we have to struggle some, its part of all things regarding strength. Of course some struggle (not all) has to do with sin--personal or acted upon us-- sin is never what God wants, but He will use it for His good (Romans 8:28). God is good. God is Love. God is holy. I am so thankful He is helping me to become who He created me to be, struggle and all.
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