Saturday, November 10, 2012

freaking OUT.

Friday, I lost my wallet. I searched and searched for it, retracing my steps from the day. I prayed and then thought I'd left it at Food Lion, and a nervous nausea swept over me that it was probably stolen. I went to Food Lion and it wasn't there, upon returning home I sat down in desperation to look through the trash  (it wouldn't have been the first time something valuable had been thrown away by a toddler). My stomach was in my throat recounting the cash, credit cards, insurance cards, etc... in my wallet.  I just knew it had to have been stolen, because I'd searched through the house twice.  As I looked up from the trash bag and stared off across the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of it!! WAHOO!  It was on the bench seat behind our kitchen table! I don't know why it was there, but I was thrilled to have found it!! A relief flooded my frantic emotional state; I wanted to jump up and down I was so excited! I was NOT stolen! It is safe! My identity is mine.
And a verse came to mind:
Jesus said, “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents”(Luke 15:8-10).

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