Thinking back over the last two years I can honestly say that God has done a lot in my heart. I honestly love Him. I've come a long way-- yet today I'm looking back on some of my bad habits that are still hanging around. My thought life is much different but how I spend my time is not. It is more valuable than anything, yet I tend to squander it away as it passes as fast as the wind. I suppose it has to do with budgeting-- I intensely dislike budgeting, whether it's money, diet/ exercise, or time. It's like I expect it to all work out with little effort, but the fact of the matter is that we are responsible for managing our lives-- budgeting them.
The question we should ask ourselves is: if what is important in my life could be measured by the time I spend with it then looking introspectively what is actually most important? It's easy to say what I want to be most important is at the top of my priority list, but looking at the value of time, is it really?
In a small group I was in last year I was shown a slightly different perspective of priorities, I'll see if I can remember the list accurately (if you were also in that small group & I post an error, please correct me). In order first to last:
1. God
2. me (this is taking care of our physical, emotional, & spiritual well-being).
3. my spouse
4. my children
5. my extended family
6. work
7. ministry
8. neighbors
9. me & my escape (that's the other aspects of self)
that #9 is in serious competition for all the other slots! So where do you spend your time; it is the litmus test of where your priorities actually are. I whole heartedly believe that when God is genuinely in first place that the rest start to find their rightful places too, but if "me" is in #1 in any aspect of life they'll all be jumbled according to each individual personality.
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