Monday, March 11, 2013


In all seriousness, how much of life do you take seriously?
It seems as if I've taken the "just laugh at yourself" mindset a little too far. Do most of us have a running list of how we need to stop being so hard on ourselves? I for one believe we do, it's something my husband tells me to do all the time.  Then there's an opposite list of time sensitive living that must be attended to and taken seriously.  I'm not talking about the dishes piling up, or the laundry taking over, or the trash over flowing, though they do need to get done everyday in our house.  I'm talking about our children aging before our very eyes and passing them off when they ask to put together a puzzle or play a game together.  I'm talking about rounding a decade or three in marriage and still showing up to put in time to grow, not simply maintain, a friendship. I'm talking about growing stone cold to the Spirit of God and suddenly realizing it, because it happened without realizing it at all.  I'm talking about obedience to God only being given half heartedly, because we're too lazy or scared to put in whole self.  If any of these things were a career... I would've fired me a long time ago.
I'm way overdue to take my life much more seriously. Are you?

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