I made cupcakes tonight. The horribly delicious kind that are even better not shared. In December I made them and ate 6 or more in 1 day. I ate 1 today and felt sick from the sugar high. ONE. I've said before how my physically healthy habits seem so parallel to my spiritual health, and I noticed it again tonight.
That 1 cupcake did taste good but it wasn't nearly as good as it was in December. It's nice to have a cupcake now and then, treats are great! What's important is that we're eating healthy regularly so that our bodies get the nutrition they need to function and not fall apart due to diet induced stress. Time is an important commodity like food; at the end of life you can tell how it was used.
Time is the essence of life and if I give it to God He will direct it so that it is whole, but if I waste it away only indulging in treats then I will give away my very life to indulgence. In times past most of my days consisted of indulgence and I can never get that time wasted back, but as Andy Stanley once said, "a little time over time redeems time." I think this is partly why God is teaching me to live regimented rather than going all out in one thing at a time. It's funny, toward the end of each of my pregnancies when it started to become real that a baby was coming that nesting instinct kicked in. I used to think that it was in preparation for the baby, but really it is preparation for Mommy to hold the baby round the clock for the next 6 months. Big projects just don't get done with a new baby in the house. When I was 39 wks preggo with Amelia it suddenly kicked in and I was painting window frames in a house we had been living in for nearly 2 years & then putting up curtains & then... It's like this binge of getting it all done because nothing will get done soon enough. My normal life just can't work like that, I have to have structure which takes a ton of discipline that I'm having a really hard time finding these last couple of days. Lack of discipline in structure & what I give my time to, like tonight's cupcake, has started to taste bad and make me feel sick. I just don't like either anymore, but the pleasurable memory and desire to indulge still pops up sometimes.
True to confession, my eating habits in the last couple of weeks have not been the most healthy to say the least... I'm kinda tired of feeling physically lousy because of it! I had so much more energy eating healthy meals throughout the day! bleh! Looking to fix many of my disciplines thrown off due to this new summer schedule. My bounce back takes time sometimes. :) Gettin it together! Somebody come get some cupcakes!
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