#166. It's Madelyn's birthday and guests are here and it's getting dark and suddenly something tiny lights up in the tree line 100 steps from the door. Five children barrel out the door, running to the trees yelling enthusiastically "FIREFLIES!!!!"
I'm thankful for every bout of enthusiasm in my children that I get to experience in presence. I crave them, those bouts. I love to find things to do for them that urges that excitement out again. As I thank God for this gift of getting to see my children enthusiastic about fireflies, I ask where my child-like enthusiasm in wonderment has gone. Is it buried somewhere? Maybe in the laundry- at our house there are full loads daily? I don't know, maybe just maybe this process of gratefulness of unwrapping all the God gifts is the process in finding wonder and enthusiasm again. I'm certain that God has given all this to us, everything, in order for us to be enthusiastic. He loves to see it in us, as we love to see it in our children. Here we are with gifts galore and we act like a spoiled rotten child on Christmas pouting and angry about something not exactly our way when there is so much to be thankful for. The more we give thanks the more we'll have joy, contentment, and enthusiasm... bit by bit its coming. Find something to be thankful for. Ann VosKamp as a daily list of things to find to be thanful for like books or enthusiasm, its a printable list to hang on your fridge with a contest attached. We can all use this thankfulness journey, that is we all need it.