Thursday, August 23, 2012


Do you have something in your life that just seems completely impossible?  I think most of us do.   For a long time I struggled with depression, some days it comes back to test me and the Lord helps me shut it down. Something that used to be impossible I can do when I focus on Christ completely. Depression has no room when I choose to be thankful to God for something, anything and He restores me. Lately I've been looking for the next step in some long term direction God has given me, but it's not time for the next step and the long term goal seems totally impossible for me. It is totally impossible by myself!  God very clearly told me to stop looking for the step.  It will be there when it's time, God is never late!  To quote my new favorite author, Ann Voskamp from her blog today, "Waiting is just a gift of time in disguise — a time to pray wrapped up in a ribbon of patience — because is the Lord ever late?"  A time to pray wrapped up in a ribbon of patience.  It is time; waiting is a gift of time!  Relief washed over me today as I shifted my thoughts in that direction.  Indeed it is a gift. This waiting I've done has alloted me time with my children, time to mature in the Lord, time to mature as a woman, time to study His Word, time to be... time is a gift!! Settling in to this paradigm shift.
Another impossible thing.  Not many people would consider me smart, a good student maybe...probably not... Maybe this is childhood trauma issue I have.  The Lord knows.  But here's the thing, In this impossible future and somewhat present task God is giving me bit by bit I have this teaching assignment and I'm really not smart enough to do it on my own. I need God to do it through me in a major and miraculous way.  I need Him. 
Another impossible thing.  Raising children to be wholly emotionally & spiritually healthy. If you know any one person who wasn't tainted somehow in their upbringing, I'd love to hear about them!!  Every single person is screwy somehow and its usually directly related to their parents &/or childhood acquaintances .   I'm completely depending on God that what is screwy about my one day adult children is minimal and not soul level or life long damaging. I have several friends who have worked hard with the Lord to overcome this kind of damage, may God have the glory for their whole heart healing!!  I have to depend on Him because to successfully raise 1 much less 4 children is impossible.  It is so easy to come apart in the daily in and out!! & children remember & the seeds we plant in their hearts on a daily level can spring up into a beautiful healthy tree or can spring up into a life of weeds that need pulling. I need Him. 
Today I read about the woman who had a bleeding disease constant for 12 years. Can you imagine??!! ugh! Most of us can barely take it for a week. Anyway, she was desperate!  She needed God! When Jesus came to her town people crowed around Him as he was walking to someone's house to heal a 12 year old girl who was very sick and then died.  (he ended up raising the girl from the dead!) Anyway, as He was walking the Bible says they were all crowded around Him almost crushing Him and when this woman with the blood issue touched the hem of His clothes she was totally healed.  He sensed the power going out from Him and asked who touched Him.  Obviously a lot of people were touching Him and one was healed. This story is in Luke 8.   All these people are pressing against Him and one was healed?  Here's what I'm thinking... she wasn't there to see a miracle as most of them probably were, she was there to be a miracle.  When we reach out to Him in faith, the impossible happens. 
Remember Peter walking on water?  He wanted to get out of the boat to greet Jesus on the water and He gave him permission and so He got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus on the water.  As soon as he realized his impossible surroundings he sank like a rock.  When I'm "me" focused I will sink in all impossibility. When I am totally Christ focused, the impossible happens.
What about David, before he was king he was a scrawny shepherd.  When his first moment came to defend God in the midst of war, King Saul's armor wouldn't even fit him.  He was 100% focused on God and His honor and he defeated a God-mocker with just a sling and a stone. The impossible happens when He is our everything. 
"When you’re in covenant with Christ, it’s His responsibility to cover your cracks, to be all your competency and completeness"(Ann Voskamp, today's blog).
Then in Beth Moore's "Jesus the One and Only" Bible Study I read  what God has been teaching me all week!  "My calling was to be abandoned to Him" (Moore).   More than anything my seriousness about my relationship with God coupled with His seriousness with wholly redeeming my life springs forth complete surrender to Him. It is then that my life in Him is complete and what it was created to be.  It is then that the tasks are truly less important than the task giver.  It is sooo easy to get caught up in what He is asking us to do like that is what I need to be surrendered to, but it is clear through Scripture, He is to be who I am surrendered to and nothing more. When we are surrendered to Him, the rest falls into place because it is He who is leading... He who can see the past, present, & future.. He who knows everything... He who knows the best paths for us to take, that wether they are pleasant or difficult the end is the best place, the place of redemption... it is He who is leading. and we can trust Him. He makes the impossible happen and just like the woman with the blood issue got healed not because she reached out and touched Him, but because she had faith that with a touch she would be healed by Him. Faith & Jesus generates the power to make the impossible Happen!! 

Ann Voskamp's blog, A Holy Experience.   Click on the link to see her entire post from today! Surely you'll have a paradigm shift too. 

click this link to hear Beth Moore sharing a great devotion on this very thing, that God will marvelously help us... She's catching up on life stuff and answering questions from her blog at first, then comes this cool devotional that God used to my heart as this is exactly what He has been teaching me all week!! <3

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