Today Scott and I had the privilege of attending a Naval retirement ceremony of Chaplain Captain Steve Brown. He was Scott's Chaplain when he was enlisted and stationed in Japan. He also married us a little over 9 years ago.
To be honest, I don't get the whole military culture... at all. Unless you're in or have served you just can't wrap your mind around it mainly because you haven't experienced it. I am more thankful today for our service men and women who sacrifice to defend our country. Patriots.
As I sat listening to the ceremony, seeing traditions play out, my mind shifted from service to country to service to God. Chaplain Captain Steve Brown served in the military for 33 years, 27 of which were as Chaplain; and I can tell you as sure as the sky is blue that this man had major influence on the lives he had the opportunity to speak into. This is what I mean by major influence:
Chaplain Brown spoke into my husband's life helping him to find confidence in Christ. If Scott came to him with questions, he would encourage him to seek out the truth from Scripture and prayer... pushing him to Jesus. When Scott faced disappointment after disappointment Chaplain Brown helped him to press in to God and taught him to seek HIS sole direction. Chaplain Brown was like a Dad to my husband and Scott still goes to him when he needs to and years after Scott left the military "Chaps" is still there for him. I can tell you with certainty that part of the reason Scott is solid in his faith has to do with Chaplain Brown's influence. And Scott wasn't the only Christian on his ship, there were many others and they sought to win the lost to Christ. They were all serious about their faith and completely loyal to God in a dark world.
I was already crying as these realizations swept over me all at once, then my attention went to his wife Sandy and 5 children... yes. 5. Surely we all realize how much a man who has served our country so long would be away from home several times while his children were growing up. Raising children are hard days. They're hard anyway... I know when he was gone he missed his wife and children and I know that they missed him. It takes a very strong and determined woman not to pleed with her husband to leave the military and stay home. I am certain that over the years her resolve to trust God became a fortress around their family, that kept them tightly woven together. They all seemed so proud of him.
Military service was not prioritized above service to his God; military service was the avenue by which Chaplain served Him. Shining the light for others to come to Christ. Should we all be so humble. Where ever it is we work, what ever it is we're doing, it should act as an avenue to give service fully to Christ. And our resolve to trust God during hard days be made stronger day by day.
I am thankful for this man's influence on my husband's life & for his wife who also sacrificed so he could answer God's call. I get to be married to Scott and watch him parent our children paving a path for them to Christ. This amazing man who has resolved to Love God and trust Him-- he is mine and I get to do life with him. I have so much respect for him. Thank you Chaplain Brown for the influence you've had on my husband; we are a stronger family because of it.
How can I get in touch with Capt.Brown?
ReplyDeleteI believe he knew my CO,MG L.D.Nicholson.
Can you fwd my email to him,please?
Thank you,