When I was born again, I did a lot of faith based growing all up front.. right out of the gate! It was amazing! I was able to forgive. Truly forgive for the first time ever! I earned patience as the Lord answered my prayers to find it. He set me up to rid me of impatience so that patience would build. Not that I'm perfectly patient, but you should've seen me before, I was completely intolerant! Something happened along the way... I think maybe the task He set forth for me and the education thereof became far more important than Him and faith based growth was replaced by education, and education by pure complacence.
What is THAT anyway? Purely sifted by the enemy, bit by bit. And? And bit by bit the Lord has strengthened and rebuilt. I ended up staying a baby Christian for a long time. Mediocre in the Word (at best), and weak in faith. I'm pretty sure that almost every prayer I've ever prayed up to the last 6 months, other than that for salvation, has been shrouded in doubt. How is it a person can trust God for the eternal salvation her soul and have doubt in every other area? I'm realizing how blinded I have been.
Salvation is far and above more than anyone can imagine. It is more than securing eternity in heaven!!! MORE!!! God is God, He didn't do all He did to save us from hell alone, He did it also to save us to Him, so that we could grow in Him... to have freedom from sin and therefore a freedom to choose sin or His ultimate peace without sin. FREEDOMMMM! Not only are the shackles to hell released, but so are the shackles to all that binds us on this earth... that binds us from even the ability to choose Him. Without that first choice to ask for forgiveness of my sins & Love Him back there is no choice. That is the first choice!!! After that is made we have a choice to be free and stay free from sin, etc... it's a choice. Before Jesus... there is no choice. We can't help but sin. Not that I don't sin now. I do, everyday. It's human, but I have The Savior who has mercy on me a sinner now saved by grace. I did nothing to earn Him, He just Loves me. All. With Him I am being renewed daily; renewed to Him. Radically saved!! There is nothing weak or mediocre about the Saving Power of God!! He seeks to change us from the inside out, helping us to become who He created us to be... which is Me-completed by Him and not dirtied up by sin & alone.
I've lived a pretty moral life for a while now. I haven't always, Christ saved me from immorality and has healed my heart is ways I never thought possible!! Really! Radically saved. For a while now I've lived moral, but for a while I still did not choose Him. The thought makes me so sad. Not choosing Him, and choosing all kinds of other things to turn to instead of Him is sin. Is shopping in and of itself sin? No. But shopping to fill a need that only God can fill? Yes and Yes again! I need Him to fill me!! and so is anything else I fill myself with that is not Him!! I need Him to be my everything!! We were created this way; to need Him!!
I'm reading through this Bible Study that I did 4 years ago. It was during a time that The Lord was clarifying His calling on my life yet I was still a very immature Christian and did not realize I was shackled to the pride of my insecurity which was keeping me from surrendering to Him... which in itself makes Him my everything. Surrender. I read these words written by Beth Moore, 4 years ago, and did not recognize what she meant, "...Im not describing what my future would have been apart from salvation. I'm describing what my future would have been without the rip-roaring radical deliverance of Jesus Christ and His complete overthrow of every false Christ in my life." And I totally get it now. At least I think I do... I'm positive I have so much more to learn!! It is Christ who causes me to recognize the things I need to release and obtain; and it is through my surrender to Him that I even have the sight to recognize it.
I love Him more today than I ever have. Radical Salvation. Radical Redemption. Saving Faith, not just for eternity but for every single day. He saves me from my daily sin, my daily junk making it all wash out like that wellspring I was telling you about a couple days ago! So that I then have the ability to Love Him more tomorrow and to be even more surrendered because areas I wasn't surrendered before were brought to my attention. He is my everything. Surrendered and in Love with my Savior.
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