Pride is a sneaky thing. It enters in like the wedding crasher, seemly invited and well loved by the bride and groom. Everyone thinks He belongs as long as he doesn't get caught by the newlyweds. Pride got caught today.
Here's a new-to-me way to recognize it: when someone, anyone is frustrating you, getting on your nerves in anyway it causes us to recognize ourselves as better than the object of our frustration. And of course my reaction to this being said a week ago would've been, "oh! no! I don't think I'm better than anyone!" But the truth is they frustrate us because they're not like we are... or even if they are like us and we don't see it.
One of my best friends and I had a small argument a few days ago, which was the result of a breaking point of frustration with her. The Lord showed me that the reason for my frustration was because much of it is the same frustration I have with myself, or a pet-peeve wrought in me through childhood rejection (a root of insecurity). Tonight we took the time to work through all of this stuff & I had the opportunity to remember why I'm friends with her in the first place. And, God bless her, she was obedient to the Holy Spirit and called me out on my pride... which I don't think she knew much of it involved her (until now) or how I was being prideful. I'm so blessed to have a friend like her, for so many reasons.
It's so sad really. This nasty little thing of pride roots deep in our lives seeking to strangle out relationship and burying us in the enormity of the insecurity that it truly is. So this root of pride coupled with this root of rejection in my life builds up to a massive root system of insecurity in my heart. The cure is security in Christ!! I talked about this a lot over the summer months.
I totally didn't realize I was being taken down. But that's why the Word warns us to be alert in our lives because the devil seeks to consume us.
Here's the fact of the matter... I say it all the time and am still reminding myself of it on a regular basis... still learning: Everyone has struggles. I have struggles that pull at me to hate myself. You have struggles. We all have struggles. The only thing good in anyone is God. So let's give one another a break; I know I sure need one right now.... being how embarrassed I am that I fell into this trap!! Everyone has junk and there is no one who is excluded; it's why/ how we need Christ!
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