Parenting. My favorite part is cuddling with my babies. I call it "lovings". I get Madelyn lovings, Isabelle lovings, Nathan lovings, and Amelia lovings. I think so far Amelia is the most affectionate; she'll come to me randomly just to snuggle... though Isabelle did too when she was two. It's like pulling teeth to get Isabelle to give lovings to me now. It's like I have to catch her, but now and then she'll cave and let me hug and hug her and kiss her sweet little cheeks. A few days ago I was holding her and told her that I needed her lovings, and hugged and hugged and hugged her. She giggled and said, "man! you really needed some Isabelle lovings!" hehe. Now Nathan is my sweet boy and he really is super affectionate, he melts my heart to a liquidy mess. And Madelyn. She needs the lovings, but it's so unlike her to give more than just the occasional hug. The only time she gets very cozy cuddly is when she's: (a) sick, or (b) has been enthrawled with company for a couple of days and hasn't been interested in spending time with me, and in the days after they leave she needs a ton of extra love to catch up. When Madelyn was a toddler, though it was sad to see her sick, I loved getting to hold her! sad. but true.
It seems as though giving our affections to God happens mostly when we're hurting and need Him to fix something going wrong in our lives; but He like any parent longs for a lovings when everything is wonderful. I want my children to come to me when they're hurting & when they're happy. I love being with them. Of course, God is perfect and loves us even more than any human parent could ever imagine attaining to. His love is pure and unselfish. He wants the absolute best for us, even if it's going to hurt us to give us wonderful overflowing blessing. He sacrificed every convenience for us. His love is unmatched. I want to - want to give Him all of my affections all the time. Lord please fill me with Your Love and Joy, over and over, that I can give it back to You and out to others as Your hands and feet.
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