Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just Breathe

This week I’ve gotten to the end of each day feeling like I’ve held my spiritual breath all day.  I’ve read less than 1/2 of the amount of scripture I was reading each day the previous 3 weeks.  God was really moving in my heart challenging lies I’ve believed for ages, bringing me back to His truth. I was feeling more spiritually satisfied than I have in some time.   This week has been different.  If I have read scripture in the morning, I don’t think I let it stick or have prayed for God to show me something I need through it.  The day rushes by everyday, then when I sit down and think back over the day searching for something God is teaching me, I’m stumped.  It is occurring to me, that I’m holding my spiritual breath all day.

God is like oxygen; we need Him to breath spiritually. Matthew 4:4 Jesus said, “‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  ... we live on ‘EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD!’ How long can you hold your breath?   We all know that oxygen is an element that keeps us alive, with out it we would die.  I realized yesterday that I’m not breathing Him in and out, totally inhaling His Love & His Presence all throughout the day. Without Him I will start to die spiritually again, and I’m not interested in traveling that road ever again! It is painful & my understanding of God got totally distorted and went completely against who scripture teaches He is, because I stopped breathing spiritually. 

God breathed His words through all the different authors of the Bible, this is the first place I MUST go to breath in or consume His Words.  The Bible is the “living” Word of God, it can speak into our lives what we need when we need it.   God also speaks to our hearts in prayer, when we listen.  I feel like I need to do more of this. I get so caught up in my daily responsibilities I’m not sure if I’ve talked with Him at all since the morning.   I probably haven’t.   .... This morning I was praying about how to breath Him in all day, because there is something I feel that needs to be added.  A friend texted shortly after, talking about holding her accountable to “trash” her house, because she wants to be reminded of who she is in Christ throughout the day.  To “trash” your house you simply write scripture you need on index cards and post them in places you would read them throughout the house. I’m going to do this again too! It lives fresh in us all through out the day with constant reminders right in front of us. Learning to “pray with out ceasing” is also a solid way to breath God in throughout the day (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Lord, please carry me daily, teaching me how to breath You in & to consume Your Words.

1 comment:

  1. God tells us His Word is sharper than a two edged sword and devides the soul from the spirit....and in that we have the oppportunity as we read His letter to ask the Lord to search our hearts for any wrong spirit within us, we can then yield it all to Him and exhale the negatives, the wrong thinking and turn back to putting our hope in God - not self. Some days it is easier than others but we can turn away from chaos and lack of peace and the sin that does so easily beset us - when we do that, God sees it as gone...as far as the east is from the west...gone, kaput...let us remember how great the love that supports His Holy Word, how forgiving and compassionate His way to new life.
