Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Read Up

 Looking back over my life as a Christian, I can see that when I was reading God's Word & talking with Him each day I'd be near Him, walking with Him.  The periods where Bible reading & prayer started slipping, so did I, away from Him giving my attention to all kinds of things: good and bad.  The thing is that He wants our attention, He wants to be with us, and wants for us to be involved in life.  Bible reading has helped me and is helping me get to know who He is, what His purpose is, & how to walk through this life with Him (even in modern times).

Recently, I started using a Bible Study workbook called "Living by the Book" by Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks.  Roughly, 12 years ago I used this exact book as a member of a Singles' Group Bible Study.   A couple weeks ago, God reminded me of this workbook and told me where it was stored in my home and to use it to start studying His Word again.  I didn't even realize I still owned it. ha!  Last night, I bought the corresponding book and wanted to share a couple of insights with you all.

"...the only sure way to experience authentic Christianity is through firsthand acquaintance with the Word of God.  Don't just let a friend or a DVD or a blog tell you what the Bible says-- read and study it for yourself.  If you do, you will gain an authority from your personal ownership of Scripture that will stabilize and direct your life, even if the people around you are lost in a fog of spiritual confusion."

"There is life giving power in the Word of God, because it leads us directly to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life."

If you're looking for a place to start concerning Bible reading, I highly recommend getting both the workbook and the book & going through them step by step. You will come out having learned how to be a good student of Scripture, as well as, having experienced the 'life giving power' the Bible offers.

Here's a link to purchase the set:

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