For the past few months I’ve been reading through the Bible along with the book “66 Love Letters” by Larry Crabb. It has been really cool to see how God was there for His people anytime they called out to Him. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (ESV). They sinned big, but when the rubber hit the road they’d go back to God and He would draw close to them. The same is true for us, it doesn’t matter what my (your) sin was/is, when we call on God to forgive us or to Love us or anything else, He draws close. He even helps us to Love Him more because He Loved us first. I Love this attribute (among others) of God! I don’t know about you, but I get a huge dose of encouragement with how much He Loves Us and that He’d even bother with us after all the grief we cause Him. Loving God! <3
I’m in 2 Kings now. Honestly, it is kind of monotonous to read; however, today when I started reading I took the right approach. I prayed and asked God to show me something I need from what I’m reading. I’m in the part that talks briefly about each king and then says that what they did is written in Chronicles. I was a little unsure if I’d get anything... I don’t know why. It really didn’t take long for God to show me a point that He was making. With each king it said whether he loved God or not and then if He did it also said, but he didn’t take down the “high places” where people worshiped other Gods & it caused the people to sin against God; at least, its like that with each king through chapter 15. If I allow “high places” to stay in my life, they will indeed keep me in bondage and from accomplishing God’s perfect plan in my life. I have a sneaking suspicion that He will be asking me to tear down some “high places”; I’m a little nervous. I feel like I’m kind of craving some not so healthy things, that are not in my life during the lent season (like sugar, among a few other things not related to food) and I’m wondering if He is going to ask them of me due to my ridiculous addiction. Then again there could be ‘high places’ that I’m not totally aware of. May the God of All knock them down!!
hm. stay tuned, I sure am.
just wanted to say as I've read a little further in 2 Kings it gets a little more interesting again. :) so read up and digest!!