Just sitting here tonight listening to some music and praising God. Listening to some testimonies of how Christ has radically changes lives!! Amazed by God! <3
Check testimonies out on YouTube:
Search: "I am Second"
My 2 favorite are Bryan "Head" Welch (former Korn guitarist) & Stephen Baldwin, but you'll see a ton of them on the right side of the screen. Jesus changes lives! <3
Also loving these songs tonight:
Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave
When Mercy Found Me by Rhett Walker Band
It's Only a Mountain by Jason Castro
(all available in a YouTube search :) )
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Chaplain Captain Steve Brown
Today Scott and I had the privilege of attending a Naval retirement ceremony of Chaplain Captain Steve Brown. He was Scott's Chaplain when he was enlisted and stationed in Japan. He also married us a little over 9 years ago.
To be honest, I don't get the whole military culture... at all. Unless you're in or have served you just can't wrap your mind around it mainly because you haven't experienced it. I am more thankful today for our service men and women who sacrifice to defend our country. Patriots.
As I sat listening to the ceremony, seeing traditions play out, my mind shifted from service to country to service to God. Chaplain Captain Steve Brown served in the military for 33 years, 27 of which were as Chaplain; and I can tell you as sure as the sky is blue that this man had major influence on the lives he had the opportunity to speak into. This is what I mean by major influence:
Chaplain Brown spoke into my husband's life helping him to find confidence in Christ. If Scott came to him with questions, he would encourage him to seek out the truth from Scripture and prayer... pushing him to Jesus. When Scott faced disappointment after disappointment Chaplain Brown helped him to press in to God and taught him to seek HIS sole direction. Chaplain Brown was like a Dad to my husband and Scott still goes to him when he needs to and years after Scott left the military "Chaps" is still there for him. I can tell you with certainty that part of the reason Scott is solid in his faith has to do with Chaplain Brown's influence. And Scott wasn't the only Christian on his ship, there were many others and they sought to win the lost to Christ. They were all serious about their faith and completely loyal to God in a dark world.
I was already crying as these realizations swept over me all at once, then my attention went to his wife Sandy and 5 children... yes. 5. Surely we all realize how much a man who has served our country so long would be away from home several times while his children were growing up. Raising children are hard days. They're hard anyway... I know when he was gone he missed his wife and children and I know that they missed him. It takes a very strong and determined woman not to pleed with her husband to leave the military and stay home. I am certain that over the years her resolve to trust God became a fortress around their family, that kept them tightly woven together. They all seemed so proud of him.
Military service was not prioritized above service to his God; military service was the avenue by which Chaplain served Him. Shining the light for others to come to Christ. Should we all be so humble. Where ever it is we work, what ever it is we're doing, it should act as an avenue to give service fully to Christ. And our resolve to trust God during hard days be made stronger day by day.
I am thankful for this man's influence on my husband's life & for his wife who also sacrificed so he could answer God's call. I get to be married to Scott and watch him parent our children paving a path for them to Christ. This amazing man who has resolved to Love God and trust Him-- he is mine and I get to do life with him. I have so much respect for him. Thank you Chaplain Brown for the influence you've had on my husband; we are a stronger family because of it.
To be honest, I don't get the whole military culture... at all. Unless you're in or have served you just can't wrap your mind around it mainly because you haven't experienced it. I am more thankful today for our service men and women who sacrifice to defend our country. Patriots.
As I sat listening to the ceremony, seeing traditions play out, my mind shifted from service to country to service to God. Chaplain Captain Steve Brown served in the military for 33 years, 27 of which were as Chaplain; and I can tell you as sure as the sky is blue that this man had major influence on the lives he had the opportunity to speak into. This is what I mean by major influence:
Chaplain Brown spoke into my husband's life helping him to find confidence in Christ. If Scott came to him with questions, he would encourage him to seek out the truth from Scripture and prayer... pushing him to Jesus. When Scott faced disappointment after disappointment Chaplain Brown helped him to press in to God and taught him to seek HIS sole direction. Chaplain Brown was like a Dad to my husband and Scott still goes to him when he needs to and years after Scott left the military "Chaps" is still there for him. I can tell you with certainty that part of the reason Scott is solid in his faith has to do with Chaplain Brown's influence. And Scott wasn't the only Christian on his ship, there were many others and they sought to win the lost to Christ. They were all serious about their faith and completely loyal to God in a dark world.
I was already crying as these realizations swept over me all at once, then my attention went to his wife Sandy and 5 children... yes. 5. Surely we all realize how much a man who has served our country so long would be away from home several times while his children were growing up. Raising children are hard days. They're hard anyway... I know when he was gone he missed his wife and children and I know that they missed him. It takes a very strong and determined woman not to pleed with her husband to leave the military and stay home. I am certain that over the years her resolve to trust God became a fortress around their family, that kept them tightly woven together. They all seemed so proud of him.
Military service was not prioritized above service to his God; military service was the avenue by which Chaplain served Him. Shining the light for others to come to Christ. Should we all be so humble. Where ever it is we work, what ever it is we're doing, it should act as an avenue to give service fully to Christ. And our resolve to trust God during hard days be made stronger day by day.
I am thankful for this man's influence on my husband's life & for his wife who also sacrificed so he could answer God's call. I get to be married to Scott and watch him parent our children paving a path for them to Christ. This amazing man who has resolved to Love God and trust Him-- he is mine and I get to do life with him. I have so much respect for him. Thank you Chaplain Brown for the influence you've had on my husband; we are a stronger family because of it.
Beauty from ashes
I'm so thankful today for the truth proved over and over that God brings light out of darkness, beauty from ashes, life from death!! Proven promises from the Word of God! I'm proof and I know so many more lives who bare the same proof! it's a choice to live in Christ, to live in His grace, walk in the direction He gives... It is the path to life!! Redemption!! Love, peace, joy.....
Thursday, September 27, 2012
true love
Drive-thru dinner today. It's a bad habit. My children always want to know the name of the window attendant and I never want to ask. We pull to the window and they start screaming for me to ask her name. Reluctantly, I asked... Her name is Delores.
Why? What do I wish to stay unconnected? Life is indeed simpler the fewer people that are involved. It's a bad habit too, to ostracize myself, to seek to be care free of the needs of others. God did not create us to live this life withdrawn from human contact. We need each other. We carry the Love of God in our hearts and can share it with one another, exposing His pure acceptance of each of us. Exposing His unconditional Love and forgiveness.
The more we cling to Christ the more we want to expose Him, the more we can't help but to share His Love with others. The more asking Delores her name becomes safer than not... And it all snowballs... we are accepted by the One who Loves us more than we could ever understand, unconditionally and without apology. It's had for us to understand that we don't have to do anything to confirm that Love; He confirmed it on the cross.
Getting back to real Love. God's Love.
Why? What do I wish to stay unconnected? Life is indeed simpler the fewer people that are involved. It's a bad habit too, to ostracize myself, to seek to be care free of the needs of others. God did not create us to live this life withdrawn from human contact. We need each other. We carry the Love of God in our hearts and can share it with one another, exposing His pure acceptance of each of us. Exposing His unconditional Love and forgiveness.
The more we cling to Christ the more we want to expose Him, the more we can't help but to share His Love with others. The more asking Delores her name becomes safer than not... And it all snowballs... we are accepted by the One who Loves us more than we could ever understand, unconditionally and without apology. It's had for us to understand that we don't have to do anything to confirm that Love; He confirmed it on the cross.
Getting back to real Love. God's Love.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Last week we did an astronomy project on the sun. We used uv beads to make a few different bracelets and put varying intensities of SPF on each one to see the power of the sun and how SPF can protect the skin.
The science project has passed and one of the bracelets laid in the shadow on our kitchen table, the room lit by the sunlight streaming in. The beads in a sunny room were completely unaffected.
Isn't that how we are? We are in this world filled with proof of God, around people showing us proof of Christ and we think that this second hand receiving of gifts is enough.
So many Christians live believing that a little prayer for forgiveness has supernatural power, but God has the supernatural power and it is Him we must want in order to change. When I got saved and used this same similar prayer of salvation, I wanted nothing more than to be Loved by and Love Jesus.
Like these uv beads, nothing amazing happens until we are exposed to the SON.
God does mighty works in our lives. Beads turning purple in the sun light is really cool, but what God does in the hearts of people is unmatched. Counterfeited? -- yes! Matched?-- No!
I know a lot of Christians, not to mention unbelievers, who live in the shadows of a sOnny room expecting change. God-change happens when we expose ourselves to Christ. Ask Him how! Ask Him-- our Creator-- for help. We cannot manufacture the desire on our own!
Seeking the Change only God can provide! <3
The science project has passed and one of the bracelets laid in the shadow on our kitchen table, the room lit by the sunlight streaming in. The beads in a sunny room were completely unaffected.
Isn't that how we are? We are in this world filled with proof of God, around people showing us proof of Christ and we think that this second hand receiving of gifts is enough.
So many Christians live believing that a little prayer for forgiveness has supernatural power, but God has the supernatural power and it is Him we must want in order to change. When I got saved and used this same similar prayer of salvation, I wanted nothing more than to be Loved by and Love Jesus.
Like these uv beads, nothing amazing happens until we are exposed to the SON.
I know a lot of Christians, not to mention unbelievers, who live in the shadows of a sOnny room expecting change. God-change happens when we expose ourselves to Christ. Ask Him how! Ask Him-- our Creator-- for help. We cannot manufacture the desire on our own!
Seeking the Change only God can provide! <3
Monday, September 24, 2012
Power Source
I do really well with a schedule. My life needs a plan; homeschooling needs it's own set of plans as it is. When the day is ordered and I walk through it, everything goes well. If even one part of the schedule gets thrown off, the whole day is thrown. Today was no exception!! I won't go in to what days in our family look like, but just like everyone else, every ounce of my attention is required all day. My life is no exception, we are all busy and at times feel overwhelmed, or like quitting; while other times we feel confident and excited, like running to the finish line with no weight holding us down.
When I have days like this that go totally down in flames I immediately think that I need to tweak my schedule. But really how much more could I tweak it? I know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it all day long. It's when something has to get added or when something is spontaneously taken out that I falter. So then if I don't need to tweak my schedule, what do I need to do... because that is what I was about to do. Then I laid down... got up... did all the need to do stuff... laid down, face down and prayed asking what is going on!?!? I'm being attacked by our spiritual enemy... all day long. Nothing is off limits today: my parenting, and then wow there are a million different directions to take from there--and all at once. Sigh. He is attacking me by using the steadiness of today's schedule?? Really? ok.
Late this afternoon, I read Ann Voskamp's blog and she described parts of my day by describing her day, but she got it right this morning. She gave the answer. Start the day with prayer, with receiving God's grace because don't we need His grace for the day? --to get through the day? I can't even begin to tell you how much I needed His grace today. It would've worked better had I started with Him rather than finding Him mid-way through. After reading her blog I remembered 2 (yes two) friends texted me this morning with the answer: prayer.
Prayer is like plugging my phone into an electrical socket. Prayer is plugging me in to the power source, Jesus -- God. Without the power of God I'm just like my iPhone with a black screen, but with Him--with His power I can function the way He intended.
Power up. Seek God--Our Creator!
When I have days like this that go totally down in flames I immediately think that I need to tweak my schedule. But really how much more could I tweak it? I know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it all day long. It's when something has to get added or when something is spontaneously taken out that I falter. So then if I don't need to tweak my schedule, what do I need to do... because that is what I was about to do. Then I laid down... got up... did all the need to do stuff... laid down, face down and prayed asking what is going on!?!? I'm being attacked by our spiritual enemy... all day long. Nothing is off limits today: my parenting, and then wow there are a million different directions to take from there--and all at once. Sigh. He is attacking me by using the steadiness of today's schedule?? Really? ok.
Late this afternoon, I read Ann Voskamp's blog and she described parts of my day by describing her day, but she got it right this morning. She gave the answer. Start the day with prayer, with receiving God's grace because don't we need His grace for the day? --to get through the day? I can't even begin to tell you how much I needed His grace today. It would've worked better had I started with Him rather than finding Him mid-way through. After reading her blog I remembered 2 (yes two) friends texted me this morning with the answer: prayer.
Prayer is like plugging my phone into an electrical socket. Prayer is plugging me in to the power source, Jesus -- God. Without the power of God I'm just like my iPhone with a black screen, but with Him--with His power I can function the way He intended.
Power up. Seek God--Our Creator!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I'm starting to realize that I find security in other people. Do they like me? yes= secure, no= insecure. Do they think x,y,or z positive things about me? yes= secure, no= insecure. And when the cage get's rattled and insecurities fly, it is my choice to give those to the Lord or to dwell on the hurt. The far and above easiest thing to do is to dwell on it, hurt feelings over what someone might think of me can consume me in a second and can last for months. And it's hard to feel that way, it's painful. It's easier to hang on to the pain than to give it to God, in fact I'm still not totally sure how to go from one to the other with a fast turnover. But I do know that when I pray through it with God that He is faithful to remove the insecurity to the point that what someone thinks about my advice, my blog, or my love for God is of no consequence to me. I do not need to find my security in others because that is like finding security in a country controlled by a malicious dictator who leaves his country poor and desolate. Security that comes from God is unmatched, there is no peace as pure as His peace. Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This is kind of difficult to go through, smashing all of my places of false security, but I'd much rather have complete security in God which is indeed the peace that passes understanding.
love & peace
If you were to read the Bible in Greek or Hebrew, the languages it was originally written in you'd see that when we read the word Love in our English written translations, we miss out. There are three different types of Love, the greatest Love is Agape. It is godly Love, which is benevolent Love; it desires to do good to another. Agape is how God Loves us; He literally desires to do good to us, in the midst of this human life of chaos.
When there are seasons of spiritual/ emotional loss, whether seemingly insignificant or unbelievably unbearable, He takes away/ We give up so that He can GIVE and replace with what is best for us. Like when He takes insecurity to replace it with security it can take a heavy toll on the closest relationships in our lives. It is because there are areas where we seek approval from people to gain security, it's not all that obvious either. We can only become completely whole when we are only seeking approval from God, it is where the clearest direction lies, because it is where we are at peace with God.
We can trust difficult seasons to the Lord because, even though life is full of painful experiences, He only desires to do good to us.
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" (NLT).
When there are seasons of spiritual/ emotional loss, whether seemingly insignificant or unbelievably unbearable, He takes away/ We give up so that He can GIVE and replace with what is best for us. Like when He takes insecurity to replace it with security it can take a heavy toll on the closest relationships in our lives. It is because there are areas where we seek approval from people to gain security, it's not all that obvious either. We can only become completely whole when we are only seeking approval from God, it is where the clearest direction lies, because it is where we are at peace with God.
We can trust difficult seasons to the Lord because, even though life is full of painful experiences, He only desires to do good to us.
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" (NLT).
Friday, September 21, 2012
My five year old, Isabelle, loves to be chased. She loves to run around playing tag. Sometimes she'll tease to get chased for a hug, for affection. When she's caught she'll squeal and giggle with sheer delight and ask for it again. I'm pretty sure being caught is her favorite thing.
The female gender enjoys being chased, and won, and loved by her counterpart. The whole dating game is just that-- a chase. It's part of the picture of Christ and the church. We want... We NEED a God who will Love us forever and we are hungry for Him. We are hungry for satisfaction in this life and we long to be chased by this God. He is chasing us, to win us, to Love us completely, to give us total satisfaction in Him. There is none apart from Him. and Jesus Christ came to make it possible to be with Him, possible to choose Him, to see Him, to be with Him, to Love Him in return. He made it possible to be won by Him which is freedom. I'm happy to be caught up in Him-- He is sheer delight.
The female gender enjoys being chased, and won, and loved by her counterpart. The whole dating game is just that-- a chase. It's part of the picture of Christ and the church. We want... We NEED a God who will Love us forever and we are hungry for Him. We are hungry for satisfaction in this life and we long to be chased by this God. He is chasing us, to win us, to Love us completely, to give us total satisfaction in Him. There is none apart from Him. and Jesus Christ came to make it possible to be with Him, possible to choose Him, to see Him, to be with Him, to Love Him in return. He made it possible to be won by Him which is freedom. I'm happy to be caught up in Him-- He is sheer delight.
more fruit?
Ever been afraid that God would desert you? ... me too. Like right now. He is leading me and this anxiety wells up in me that He'll lead me out into the middle of nowhere or somewhere & leave me there to implode on myself--to choke, completely choke. The idea terrifies. Until...
I remember that verse- that promise of God. It is the reason I got saved in the first place. I have felt deserted over and over in my life, but there is this promise.
Deuteronomy 31:8, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
And there are plenty more promises, here is one I found tonight:
Isaiah 41:10, "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
These verses show us that we ourselves wander out into the wilderness ignoring Him and it is HE who calls us back to safety and security!! Like I said yesterday, He is where peace dwells. Oneness with Him gives peace. Where He leads is where He will be with Me, He never leaves me.
So... yes I'm still talking about this! It's where I'm planted at the moment. Peace comes when I stick with Him in agreement. Faithfulness comes when I stick with Him instead of turning to run. Peace and Faithfulness are fruit of the Spirit growing together in my current personal circumstance.
Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..."
I remember that verse- that promise of God. It is the reason I got saved in the first place. I have felt deserted over and over in my life, but there is this promise.
Deuteronomy 31:8, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
And there are plenty more promises, here is one I found tonight:
Isaiah 41:10, "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
These verses show us that we ourselves wander out into the wilderness ignoring Him and it is HE who calls us back to safety and security!! Like I said yesterday, He is where peace dwells. Oneness with Him gives peace. Where He leads is where He will be with Me, He never leaves me.
So... yes I'm still talking about this! It's where I'm planted at the moment. Peace comes when I stick with Him in agreement. Faithfulness comes when I stick with Him instead of turning to run. Peace and Faithfulness are fruit of the Spirit growing together in my current personal circumstance.
Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..."
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
spiritually bi-polar
In the last 24 hrs I've felt slightly spiritually bi-polar. Highs where I feel closer to God than ever and lows where He's still just as close, but as I see my surroundings I want to go jump in the belly of a whale. It feels like my heart is breaking.
Jonah ended up in a whale because He was running from God's direction. My real desire is to follow God's direction, because it is where He's heading with me, it's where I will be at complete peace with Him. I like being at peace with God-- where the very heart of security lies. You see, there is no peace apart from Christ, there is only insecurity. Security is where there is peace which is located in the heart of God.
So, I guess you can say my heart is breaking because I'm divorcing my old self and becoming completely devoted to my Love, my God. And so, at the same time it is breaking God is also redeeming it and making it whole again in the way it was meant to be and clearly growing the fruit of the Spirit, peace & faithfulness, in me! The fruit grow together after all, because as the Lord is purging out more of my insecurity I am gaining peace; and as He purges out my desire to run, like Jonah did, He is giving me faithfulness. The fruit grow together because they are of the same Spirit, because different anti-fruit are being pruned away simultaneously. God is meticulous like that. Wholeness is found in Christ. This is where I'm planting myself; in Christ.
Jonah ended up in a whale because He was running from God's direction. My real desire is to follow God's direction, because it is where He's heading with me, it's where I will be at complete peace with Him. I like being at peace with God-- where the very heart of security lies. You see, there is no peace apart from Christ, there is only insecurity. Security is where there is peace which is located in the heart of God.
So, I guess you can say my heart is breaking because I'm divorcing my old self and becoming completely devoted to my Love, my God. And so, at the same time it is breaking God is also redeeming it and making it whole again in the way it was meant to be and clearly growing the fruit of the Spirit, peace & faithfulness, in me! The fruit grow together after all, because as the Lord is purging out more of my insecurity I am gaining peace; and as He purges out my desire to run, like Jonah did, He is giving me faithfulness. The fruit grow together because they are of the same Spirit, because different anti-fruit are being pruned away simultaneously. God is meticulous like that. Wholeness is found in Christ. This is where I'm planting myself; in Christ.
Astronomy & God
The girls are taking a course in Astronomy this year-- yes one is in Kindergarten and the other is a 2nd grader-- we homeschool. We made a solar system model with balloons and hung them from the ceiling, today. It's a pretty fun course and Madelyn is especially starting to retain much of the information she's being taught. As I read a few pages of the text to them I realized God is truly bigger than I could ever even begin to imagine. The text compared the sun to a basketball and described the earth in comparison to a peppercorn. God- He created all of the entire universe and each of us. ... and... and He Loves us passionately. I am so humbled by the thought of how big the universe is and that God, He just breathed it all into existence.
I absolutely love how Louie Giglio teaches how big our universe is and how the God who created it all Loves us passionately and promises to carry us through the difficulties of this life when we trust in His Son Jesus- who is God. Check out Louie's teaching on this by clicking: here. It could be one of the most important videos anyone could ever watch! <3
I absolutely love how Louie Giglio teaches how big our universe is and how the God who created it all Loves us passionately and promises to carry us through the difficulties of this life when we trust in His Son Jesus- who is God. Check out Louie's teaching on this by clicking: here. It could be one of the most important videos anyone could ever watch! <3
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How does God love? I liked Ann's thoughts today.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Going Numb
When I'm going through something & it affects me emotionally, I have this tendency to shut down & ignore it. Right now I have this impending, coming at me like a freight train, kind of thing going. I've been doing a fairly good job the past few days ignoring it & without even recognizing I was doing it!! Apparently going metaphorically numb to my responsibilities that bring fear has become some kind of knee jerk reaction. Today a friend point blank asked me questions about this looming, impending thing coming up and as I started to answer her tears came and I realized I hadn't thought about any of it in days. Why? I do not know. This is what I do know. The only way through fear is through it and what's gained on the other side is courage. We have to experience the journey too, not just go numb to it all.
Time to move forward, not shrink back. Follow Christ, for He alone paved the path for us. And I need Him, God, apart from anything else. He shows us truth as He did for me today in a very specific and personal way... as He's been doing for me as I've been seeking Him. He indeed is the "great iconoclast" blowing up my own expectations of Him and what He wants and replacing them with the truth of who He is and where He's leading step by step. Embracing Christ who gives courage. Loving God. <3
Time to move forward, not shrink back. Follow Christ, for He alone paved the path for us. And I need Him, God, apart from anything else. He shows us truth as He did for me today in a very specific and personal way... as He's been doing for me as I've been seeking Him. He indeed is the "great iconoclast" blowing up my own expectations of Him and what He wants and replacing them with the truth of who He is and where He's leading step by step. Embracing Christ who gives courage. Loving God. <3
Sunday, September 16, 2012
One of the enemy's most valuable tools is distraction. Distraction in and of itself. Distraction from God and relationship with Him, and guidance from Him.
Some are easy to recognize as distractions and some are not, of course this isn't an exhaustive list, but it's some ideas to get us thinking of how we might be being distracted by the enemy:
*daily stuff: whatever I'm thinking of doing instead of what I'm actually doing in the "present"
*whatever it is that soothes us instead of Christ (this is as unique as each person is unique)
*probably $$ for most people, whether you have it or you don't have it, either way it can distract
*entertainment-- screens
*a disagreement about a n y t h i n g... did I say about anything? ... about anything!!
*hurt feelings (any offense taken)
*grief (when we drown in it apart from God, instead of choosing to grieve with God)
*perfectionism (the panicle of insecurity-- it keeps the mind focused on self, rather than God)
*any insecurity as all of them are self focused
*trying to make another person's problems disappear, when really they have to do it themselves-- I speak of codependency here. There are times when we can and should help, for example in the case of giving to the poor and hungry, or "calling someone out"--pointing out a pitfall in love-- then turning and letting them deal with it with God. There is a healthy and not healthy way to do that; the unhealthy was is a distraction. The healthy way you're constantly giving it to God to be in control and not trying to take control. And of course there are healthy non-controlling ways to talk through an issue with someone without it becoming a distraction, always with God in control and not self trying to fix... (I so hope I'm communicating this the way it's intended--its such a delicate subject).
*stuff-- materialism
I'm sure you can think of a few of your own. The question here arrises, how do we then fight against distraction?
Some are easy to recognize as distractions and some are not, of course this isn't an exhaustive list, but it's some ideas to get us thinking of how we might be being distracted by the enemy:
*daily stuff: whatever I'm thinking of doing instead of what I'm actually doing in the "present"
*whatever it is that soothes us instead of Christ (this is as unique as each person is unique)
*probably $$ for most people, whether you have it or you don't have it, either way it can distract
*entertainment-- screens
*a disagreement about a n y t h i n g... did I say about anything? ... about anything!!
*hurt feelings (any offense taken)
*grief (when we drown in it apart from God, instead of choosing to grieve with God)
*perfectionism (the panicle of insecurity-- it keeps the mind focused on self, rather than God)
*any insecurity as all of them are self focused
*trying to make another person's problems disappear, when really they have to do it themselves-- I speak of codependency here. There are times when we can and should help, for example in the case of giving to the poor and hungry, or "calling someone out"--pointing out a pitfall in love-- then turning and letting them deal with it with God. There is a healthy and not healthy way to do that; the unhealthy was is a distraction. The healthy way you're constantly giving it to God to be in control and not trying to take control. And of course there are healthy non-controlling ways to talk through an issue with someone without it becoming a distraction, always with God in control and not self trying to fix... (I so hope I'm communicating this the way it's intended--its such a delicate subject).
*stuff-- materialism
I'm sure you can think of a few of your own. The question here arrises, how do we then fight against distraction?
*"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17. (this is Christ focused-- talking with Him)
*"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8
*Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Colossians 3:13
*also, where entertainment can become a distraction that focuses in on our personal distractions, we would be wise to avoid. such as viewing sexually explicit anything and so on as far as distraction is concerned. What we feed ourselves is vitally important! Be aware. We can be easily changed just by what we watch... more on that another time.Friday, September 14, 2012
more from C.S. Lewis
More from C.S. Lewis-- this an excerpt from "Mere Christianity.":
"The main thing we learn from a serious attempt to practice the Christian virtues is that we fail. If there was any idea that God had set us a sort of exam. and that we might get good marks by deserving them, that has to be wiped out. If there was any idea of a sort of bargain-- any idea that we could perform our side of the contract and thus put God in our debt so that it was up to Him, in mere justice, to perform His side-- that has to be wiped out.
I think every one who has some vague belief in God, until he becomes a Christian, has the idea of an exam. or of a bargain in his mind. The first result of real Christianity is to blow that idea into bits. When they find it blown into bits, some people think this means that Christianity is a failure and give up. They seem to imagine that God is very simpleminded. In fact, of course, He knows all about this. One of the very things Christianity was designed to do was to blow this idea to bits. God has been waiting for the moment at which you discover that there is no question of earning a pass mark in this exam. or putting Him in your debt.
Then comes another discover. Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His won already. So that when we talk of a man doing anything for God or giving anything to God, I will tell you what it is really like. It is like a small child going to its father and saying, 'Daddy, give me sixpence to buy you a birthday present.' Of course, the father does, and he is pleased with the child's present. It is all very nice and proper, but only an idiot would think that the father is sixpence to the good on the transaction."
It was quite a day when I had this paradigm shift. It's so easy to think that God's love or position to us moves with our actions... I think it's a common thing to believe, but this is just another view of God that He Himself blows up!! I'm so thankful that His Love for us stays steady despite any attempt to earn it on our parts. He gives to us freely. Salvation is free. His direction is free. And you just stop "hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you."-- who is the Holy Spirit.
"The main thing we learn from a serious attempt to practice the Christian virtues is that we fail. If there was any idea that God had set us a sort of exam. and that we might get good marks by deserving them, that has to be wiped out. If there was any idea of a sort of bargain-- any idea that we could perform our side of the contract and thus put God in our debt so that it was up to Him, in mere justice, to perform His side-- that has to be wiped out.
I think every one who has some vague belief in God, until he becomes a Christian, has the idea of an exam. or of a bargain in his mind. The first result of real Christianity is to blow that idea into bits. When they find it blown into bits, some people think this means that Christianity is a failure and give up. They seem to imagine that God is very simpleminded. In fact, of course, He knows all about this. One of the very things Christianity was designed to do was to blow this idea to bits. God has been waiting for the moment at which you discover that there is no question of earning a pass mark in this exam. or putting Him in your debt.
Then comes another discover. Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His won already. So that when we talk of a man doing anything for God or giving anything to God, I will tell you what it is really like. It is like a small child going to its father and saying, 'Daddy, give me sixpence to buy you a birthday present.' Of course, the father does, and he is pleased with the child's present. It is all very nice and proper, but only an idiot would think that the father is sixpence to the good on the transaction."
It was quite a day when I had this paradigm shift. It's so easy to think that God's love or position to us moves with our actions... I think it's a common thing to believe, but this is just another view of God that He Himself blows up!! I'm so thankful that His Love for us stays steady despite any attempt to earn it on our parts. He gives to us freely. Salvation is free. His direction is free. And you just stop "hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you."-- who is the Holy Spirit.
The Great Iconoclast
I've been reading passages from several different books that C.S. Lewis wrote, they have been compiled in a book called, "A Year with C.S. Lewis, Daily Reading from His Classic Works." And wanted to share an excerpt from a book He wrote called "A Grief Observed." In the book he is working through his grief over the death of his wife:
"It doesn't matter that all the photographs of H. are bad. It doesn't matter-- not much-- if my memory of her is imperfect. Images, whether on paper or in the mind, are not important for themselves. Merely links. Take a parallel from an infinitely higher sphere. Tomorrow morning a priest will give me a little round, then, cold, tasteless wafer. Is it a disadvantage-- is it not in some ways an advantage-- that it can't pretend the least resemblance to that with which it unites me?
I need Christ, not something that resembles Him. I want H., not something that is like her. A really good photograph might become in the end a snare, a horror, and an obstacle.
Images, I must suppose, have their use or they would not have been so popular. (It makes little difference whether they are pictures and statues outside the mind or imaginative constructions within it.) To me, however, their danger s more obvious. Images of the Holy easily become holy images-- sacrosanct. My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself. He is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks of His presence? The Incarnation is the supreme example; it leaves all previous ideas of the Messiah in ruins. And most are 'offended' by the iconoclasm; and blessed are those who are not. But the same thing happens in our private prayers.
All reality is iconoclastic. The earthly beloved, even in this life, incessantly triumphs over your mere idea of her. And you want her to; you want her with all her resistances, all her faults, all her unexpectedness. That is, in her foursquare and independent reality. And this, not any image or memory, is what we are to love still, after she is dead."
The Lord has done this for me over and over! I start thinking He is one thing and then He just blows it up-- that image I made up-- and proves me wrong, showing me who He really is in the area of my wrong thoughts. It's constant learning, constant getting to know Him for who He is instead of who I make Him up to be. I want a real God, not one I make up. I'm glad He is so faithful to reveal Himself to us when we seek Him.
"It doesn't matter that all the photographs of H. are bad. It doesn't matter-- not much-- if my memory of her is imperfect. Images, whether on paper or in the mind, are not important for themselves. Merely links. Take a parallel from an infinitely higher sphere. Tomorrow morning a priest will give me a little round, then, cold, tasteless wafer. Is it a disadvantage-- is it not in some ways an advantage-- that it can't pretend the least resemblance to that with which it unites me?
I need Christ, not something that resembles Him. I want H., not something that is like her. A really good photograph might become in the end a snare, a horror, and an obstacle.
Images, I must suppose, have their use or they would not have been so popular. (It makes little difference whether they are pictures and statues outside the mind or imaginative constructions within it.) To me, however, their danger s more obvious. Images of the Holy easily become holy images-- sacrosanct. My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself. He is the great iconoclast. Could we not almost say that this shattering is one of the marks of His presence? The Incarnation is the supreme example; it leaves all previous ideas of the Messiah in ruins. And most are 'offended' by the iconoclasm; and blessed are those who are not. But the same thing happens in our private prayers.
All reality is iconoclastic. The earthly beloved, even in this life, incessantly triumphs over your mere idea of her. And you want her to; you want her with all her resistances, all her faults, all her unexpectedness. That is, in her foursquare and independent reality. And this, not any image or memory, is what we are to love still, after she is dead."
The Lord has done this for me over and over! I start thinking He is one thing and then He just blows it up-- that image I made up-- and proves me wrong, showing me who He really is in the area of my wrong thoughts. It's constant learning, constant getting to know Him for who He is instead of who I make Him up to be. I want a real God, not one I make up. I'm glad He is so faithful to reveal Himself to us when we seek Him.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Praise for Safety!
Praising God tonight!
We have this nifty little bonus on our car that tells us when tire pressure is low and we had to stop to add some. After about 10 minutes on the road again we saw that it was going flat so we pulled over got a room for the night, since it was already 9:30 est and 10:30 to us because we'd been in the mid-west for a week! So Geico offers this awesome bonus of free road side assistance... when the guy comes to help us, he shows us this huge gash in the tire!! We were seconds from a blown tire under the weight of a, going 80 mph, Yukon!!
Thank you, Lord for showing me how You do indeed protect us, even when we don't always know it!! Thank You, for answering my prayers filled with questions of how you keep your promise of protection to those under Your shelter (a promise in Psalms-- I'll post the reference tomorrow, as my study is not here with me), even when there are so many who don't seem protected at all, You always have a purposeful reason for everything and You are always there to comfort. Thank You, Lord for safety of travel, thank You that in happiness or in devastation, You are our Rock who we can lean on! You are the ultimate gift, Lord.
We have this nifty little bonus on our car that tells us when tire pressure is low and we had to stop to add some. After about 10 minutes on the road again we saw that it was going flat so we pulled over got a room for the night, since it was already 9:30 est and 10:30 to us because we'd been in the mid-west for a week! So Geico offers this awesome bonus of free road side assistance... when the guy comes to help us, he shows us this huge gash in the tire!! We were seconds from a blown tire under the weight of a, going 80 mph, Yukon!!
Thank you, Lord for showing me how You do indeed protect us, even when we don't always know it!! Thank You, for answering my prayers filled with questions of how you keep your promise of protection to those under Your shelter (a promise in Psalms-- I'll post the reference tomorrow, as my study is not here with me), even when there are so many who don't seem protected at all, You always have a purposeful reason for everything and You are always there to comfort. Thank You, Lord for safety of travel, thank You that in happiness or in devastation, You are our Rock who we can lean on! You are the ultimate gift, Lord.
weekly scheduling
This may seem a bit over the top for some people, but if we look at life with the perspective that time is a gift then shouldn't we use it as cautiously and wisely as we can. Not legalistically and not liberally, but in a balanced God honoring way.
I've been praying a lot lately about how the Lord wants me to order my days as I homeschool, write this blog, am being led to start a Bible Study, and most importantly minister as a wife and mother, among all the rest of my commitments and want to's. The Lord has added 2 things to my schedule for the school year that I wrote 3 weeks ago... obviously I need to re-write it with better direction from Him. Life operates a lot more smoothly for us when we operate with in a schedule and yes I do leave plenty of room with in it for spontaneity here and there... but I tell you what!! we'd never get any schooling done with out doing this. Besides I like not feeling smothered under a pile of commitment, etc... I'd much rather move through thinking of only what I'm doing, one thing at a time. Not that it's easy to only think of one thing at a time. I so much more often think of what's next rather than enjoy the present. It's like I'd always rather be doing something else, but there in lies learning the discipline of patience & self-control, which are fruits of the Spirit. Am I willing to walk in the way that opens my life to receive those things? Are you? Of course, I realize discipline with time is only 1 of the trillions of ways to receive patience and self control; and it's one of the probably millions God will give me to receive them. And as I continue walking with God, I'm learning how to enjoy the "right now" as a gift, living in the now and not continuing to ask, "are we there yet?" Opening the gift of the present, because all this rush and weight of stuff is but a gift so that we can learn... finally learn... to give it all to Him, so we can finally run with out the weight of this world. Freed by the grace of God. and isn't it interesting how a God-honoring schedule is indeed part of that?
Blessing & promises
God gives and gives to us. Forgiveness of sins/ salvation is the first thing. And as we continue on living in relationship to Him, making Him the absolute live of our lives, & surrendering our lives to Him; then there is room made for Him to pour in His blessings. A few places in scripture immediately come to mind, I'll try to post them later as I'm posting from my phone on the road, but here are some references if you'd like to look them up!
Matthew 5:3-12
Galatians 5:22-23
Proverbs 3 comes to mind, but the entire book of Psalms is filled with blessing.
As we read thru scripture it all connects and weaves together..which is the work of God as He himself showed so many men what to write over so many hundreds of years & in 66 separate books. He connects His story, His promises through scripture and one by one has kept them all... Or will be keeping more as for the promise of everlasting life & the second coming of Christ along with all that is written in Revelation.
Getting back to the point, God promises blessing, our first step is to reach out for Him & receive His Love as He is constantly reaching out for you. If you've already done this, we must learn to live in His love & truth, seeking His direction...asking Him... He Himself is the ultimate gift and He freely gave Himself!!
Matthew 5:3-12
Galatians 5:22-23
Proverbs 3 comes to mind, but the entire book of Psalms is filled with blessing.
As we read thru scripture it all connects and weaves together..which is the work of God as He himself showed so many men what to write over so many hundreds of years & in 66 separate books. He connects His story, His promises through scripture and one by one has kept them all... Or will be keeping more as for the promise of everlasting life & the second coming of Christ along with all that is written in Revelation.
Getting back to the point, God promises blessing, our first step is to reach out for Him & receive His Love as He is constantly reaching out for you. If you've already done this, we must learn to live in His love & truth, seeking His direction...asking Him... He Himself is the ultimate gift and He freely gave Himself!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Traveling has helped me to be behind a day, but as I read this blog post by Ann Voskamp I think how everyone should read these words. Christians are spiritually flu ridden... Aren't we supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ? Why is there so much suffering in this world, if God loves? Why is there so much beauty if He is inexistent? Read what she had to say by clicking on the picture :)
Sometimes as the Lord leads us to and from different areas of life, it might feel like He is against us. But the thing is He truly does want the very best for us; He is "for us". He is our biggest fan and best couch. We can trust Him, He never sleeps, He surrounds us as a barrier of safety when we've chosen Him.
I love this song by Kari Jobe "You are for Me", click here to listen!
Sorry about the short posts the last couple of days, my internet connection where I am staying this week is terrible and not posting like it should.
I love this song by Kari Jobe "You are for Me", click here to listen!
Sorry about the short posts the last couple of days, my internet connection where I am staying this week is terrible and not posting like it should.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Worshiping the Savior tonight at the end of a full day of running around visiting friends and family. We have a family wedding happening tomorrow. Getting with my Savior, to worship Him and talk with Him is wonderful. Here is a song a friend of mine posted on her fb wall tonight and I listened to it with fresh ears and ... well just fell in Love with Him even more in worshiping these truths. I just love Him. ... Just a year ago I sat in a coffee shop with the same friend who posted this song and told her point blank that I didn't even remotely love Him. I Love Him today and am growing in that everyday. I feel more free than I have since I got saved 17 years ago. He is my everything.
I'm sure you could also listen to this song on youtube. It's Natalie Grant singing her song "Alive".
Who but You
Could breathe and leave a trail of galaxies
And dream of me?
What kind of love
Is writing my story till the end
With Mercy's Pen?
Only You.
What kind of King
Would choose to wear a crown
that bleeds and scars
To win my heart.
What kind of Love
Tells me I'm the reson He can't stay
Inside the grave
Is it You?
Standing here before my eyes
Every part of my heart cries.
Alive, Alive
Look what Mercy's overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!
Alive, Alive
Halleujah, Risen Lord
the only one i fall before
I am His
because He is
Who could speak
and send the demons back from where they came
with just one name?
what other heart
would let itself be broken every time
until he healed mine?
you. only you
could turn my darkness into dawn
running right into your arms
alive, alive
Look what Mercy's overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!
alive, alive!
Halleujah, Risen Lord
the only one i fall before
i am His
because He is
emmanuel, the promised king
the baby who made angels sing
son of man who walked with us
healing, breathing in our dust
the author of all history
the answer to all mysteries
the lamb of God who rolled away
the stone in front of every grave.
alive, alive
lLook what Mercy's overcome
Death has lost and Love has won!
i am His
because He is
Friday, September 7, 2012
growing mode
Spiritual growth is a tricky thing and I'm thankful that God will grow us big when we come back to Him after a period of running from Him. We rediscover the truth in the return; banishing the lie that made us run and spring up like a bamboo shoot does after years of seemingly nothing.
The best spiritual growth happens when we are in growing mode, when we are right there with Him, trusting Him. Growing happens when I'm with Him always and He can point something out and I can immediately give it to Him and it doesn't take 10 years to give that thing to Him. It took 10 seconds! More of that same thing could emerge out of me later like scarves from a magician's sleeves... I already gave the first scarf to God and here is another... it's just more of the same thing. I don't have the same impatience I had before, but as it arrises I have more impatience buried that the Lord willingly weeds out and I willingly give it. More insecurity, more 'trusting more in others than in Him', more 'relying on my own strength than I do in His'... there is plenty shooting out like weeds and as it does I pray for sight and a willing heart to give it all to Him. As the weeds are pulled His garden can grow in my heart. His garden is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control; which are the fruits of the Spirit. These things replace the weeds & who wouldn't want more of this stuff? As the uncomfortable things spring up out of our souls and into our daily living we have a choice: cling to God or don't.
Joshua 24:15
"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
The best spiritual growth happens when we are in growing mode, when we are right there with Him, trusting Him. Growing happens when I'm with Him always and He can point something out and I can immediately give it to Him and it doesn't take 10 years to give that thing to Him. It took 10 seconds! More of that same thing could emerge out of me later like scarves from a magician's sleeves... I already gave the first scarf to God and here is another... it's just more of the same thing. I don't have the same impatience I had before, but as it arrises I have more impatience buried that the Lord willingly weeds out and I willingly give it. More insecurity, more 'trusting more in others than in Him', more 'relying on my own strength than I do in His'... there is plenty shooting out like weeds and as it does I pray for sight and a willing heart to give it all to Him. As the weeds are pulled His garden can grow in my heart. His garden is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control; which are the fruits of the Spirit. These things replace the weeds & who wouldn't want more of this stuff? As the uncomfortable things spring up out of our souls and into our daily living we have a choice: cling to God or don't.
Joshua 24:15
"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Spiritual growth is a tricky thing. It's not at all what I thought and of course I was very immature for a long time. Knowledgeable in part and immature. A part of my knowledge of scripture had never been applied which produces no change; but as it is applied it produces a harvest.
Check out the last part of the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8; "Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown." 100 times!! Application is the key... make it your's.
Like I was saying, spiritual growth is a tricky thing. It's a lot of work and much of the time it's different than you might expect. I didn't realize that while I was running from the Lord, He was also working in me. He let me get totally miserable because that's what life is apart from Him. Miserable. He allowed me to get to the point that when I questioned everything I took the leap to pray that He would take me back to the joy of His salvation. I couldn't get there on my own & He delivered.
I've done a lot of running in the last 10 years, and during it all God was allowing it in order to take me to a place where I understood how He Loves me. All of us. As I grew up, I developed this understanding of sorts that I wasn't worth loving. We all have childhood junk and so many of us are from broken homes and it jades us. I thought that people would love me less if they found out I wasn't what they wanted me to be. It has taken almost 10 years of marriage for me to finally get that my husband loves me... period. And 17 years for me to really register that God loves me. There is no question. There is no circumstance that He would stop. There's nothing I can do to get God to love me more or love me less. His Love is perfect and pure. 13 years ago, I started running because I thought for sure He had to hate me because of my screw up and 10 years later He brought me back and showed me ..."Carrie, I Love you!" Then when a precious baby left this life & his mother's arms, my heart was ripped out with her's and I decided that God just had to hate us all. I was miserable and I ran from Him. After a little more than 2 years, I went to Him... He reminded me that death was not part of His original and perfect plan. Death entered this world when Adam & Eve sinned. One of the gospels records Jesus crying over a woman losing her son... not to mention that Jesus came to conquer death, hell, & the grave. All because He passionately loves us. When we are devastated, He is too.
During these times where my faith wavered, He stood firm. When I came back to Him, He purged out the lie that I clung to that He wouldn't love me for me and that He doesn't love me if things don't go my way. The hang ups I've had with love are being purged out as they concern God.
Life is messy. No matter what you believe, life is messy. Jesus Christ never cost me a thing. Life was messy before He saved my soul and it's messy now. Life is life... it is hard, dirty, long, painful; it contains sadness, grief, joy, & death; there are personal victories whether He is in it or not... but I'll tell you my life is better with Him, He gives His peace that passes understanding. He has given me so much I would've never had apart from Him including a healthier perspective on love, not to mention the promise of eternal life in heaven with Him. Spiritual growth is not personal growth... personal growth is the counterfeit. Only God can grow us spiritually; self grows us personally. Never in a million years would I have been able to wiggle my way out of my "love issues" on my own. God did that as only He could.
And I love Him more today than ever and I know He loves me. He is with me and so everyday I make the choice to be with Him, because life apart from Him is miserable and life with Him is wholly, holy peace.
read part 2 by clicking here or just scroll up to the next day, "growing mode" <3
Check out the last part of the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8; "Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown." 100 times!! Application is the key... make it your's.
Like I was saying, spiritual growth is a tricky thing. It's a lot of work and much of the time it's different than you might expect. I didn't realize that while I was running from the Lord, He was also working in me. He let me get totally miserable because that's what life is apart from Him. Miserable. He allowed me to get to the point that when I questioned everything I took the leap to pray that He would take me back to the joy of His salvation. I couldn't get there on my own & He delivered.
I've done a lot of running in the last 10 years, and during it all God was allowing it in order to take me to a place where I understood how He Loves me. All of us. As I grew up, I developed this understanding of sorts that I wasn't worth loving. We all have childhood junk and so many of us are from broken homes and it jades us. I thought that people would love me less if they found out I wasn't what they wanted me to be. It has taken almost 10 years of marriage for me to finally get that my husband loves me... period. And 17 years for me to really register that God loves me. There is no question. There is no circumstance that He would stop. There's nothing I can do to get God to love me more or love me less. His Love is perfect and pure. 13 years ago, I started running because I thought for sure He had to hate me because of my screw up and 10 years later He brought me back and showed me ..."Carrie, I Love you!" Then when a precious baby left this life & his mother's arms, my heart was ripped out with her's and I decided that God just had to hate us all. I was miserable and I ran from Him. After a little more than 2 years, I went to Him... He reminded me that death was not part of His original and perfect plan. Death entered this world when Adam & Eve sinned. One of the gospels records Jesus crying over a woman losing her son... not to mention that Jesus came to conquer death, hell, & the grave. All because He passionately loves us. When we are devastated, He is too.
During these times where my faith wavered, He stood firm. When I came back to Him, He purged out the lie that I clung to that He wouldn't love me for me and that He doesn't love me if things don't go my way. The hang ups I've had with love are being purged out as they concern God.
Life is messy. No matter what you believe, life is messy. Jesus Christ never cost me a thing. Life was messy before He saved my soul and it's messy now. Life is life... it is hard, dirty, long, painful; it contains sadness, grief, joy, & death; there are personal victories whether He is in it or not... but I'll tell you my life is better with Him, He gives His peace that passes understanding. He has given me so much I would've never had apart from Him including a healthier perspective on love, not to mention the promise of eternal life in heaven with Him. Spiritual growth is not personal growth... personal growth is the counterfeit. Only God can grow us spiritually; self grows us personally. Never in a million years would I have been able to wiggle my way out of my "love issues" on my own. God did that as only He could.
And I love Him more today than ever and I know He loves me. He is with me and so everyday I make the choice to be with Him, because life apart from Him is miserable and life with Him is wholly, holy peace.
read part 2 by clicking here or just scroll up to the next day, "growing mode" <3
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Anyone have some encouragement to offer? I need some.
Christ is the ultimate encouragement. I am His treasure & He is mine. I can rest in that fact. I can therefore rest in His promises, both of which have been given through scripture to each of us and those given personally to me (you may have your own from Him).
As today was one of those days where a little encouragement would go a long way, I found it in Him. In prayer. He is like a vat of fresh water when I'm deathly dehydrated. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me go from well hydrated to parched, but He fills and restores. He gives daily. Carried.
Christ is the ultimate encouragement. I am His treasure & He is mine. I can rest in that fact. I can therefore rest in His promises, both of which have been given through scripture to each of us and those given personally to me (you may have your own from Him).
As today was one of those days where a little encouragement would go a long way, I found it in Him. In prayer. He is like a vat of fresh water when I'm deathly dehydrated. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me go from well hydrated to parched, but He fills and restores. He gives daily. Carried.
Radically Saved
When I was born again, I did a lot of faith based growing all up front.. right out of the gate! It was amazing! I was able to forgive. Truly forgive for the first time ever! I earned patience as the Lord answered my prayers to find it. He set me up to rid me of impatience so that patience would build. Not that I'm perfectly patient, but you should've seen me before, I was completely intolerant! Something happened along the way... I think maybe the task He set forth for me and the education thereof became far more important than Him and faith based growth was replaced by education, and education by pure complacence.
What is THAT anyway? Purely sifted by the enemy, bit by bit. And? And bit by bit the Lord has strengthened and rebuilt. I ended up staying a baby Christian for a long time. Mediocre in the Word (at best), and weak in faith. I'm pretty sure that almost every prayer I've ever prayed up to the last 6 months, other than that for salvation, has been shrouded in doubt. How is it a person can trust God for the eternal salvation her soul and have doubt in every other area? I'm realizing how blinded I have been.
Salvation is far and above more than anyone can imagine. It is more than securing eternity in heaven!!! MORE!!! God is God, He didn't do all He did to save us from hell alone, He did it also to save us to Him, so that we could grow in Him... to have freedom from sin and therefore a freedom to choose sin or His ultimate peace without sin. FREEDOMMMM! Not only are the shackles to hell released, but so are the shackles to all that binds us on this earth... that binds us from even the ability to choose Him. Without that first choice to ask for forgiveness of my sins & Love Him back there is no choice. That is the first choice!!! After that is made we have a choice to be free and stay free from sin, etc... it's a choice. Before Jesus... there is no choice. We can't help but sin. Not that I don't sin now. I do, everyday. It's human, but I have The Savior who has mercy on me a sinner now saved by grace. I did nothing to earn Him, He just Loves me. All. With Him I am being renewed daily; renewed to Him. Radically saved!! There is nothing weak or mediocre about the Saving Power of God!! He seeks to change us from the inside out, helping us to become who He created us to be... which is Me-completed by Him and not dirtied up by sin & alone.
I've lived a pretty moral life for a while now. I haven't always, Christ saved me from immorality and has healed my heart is ways I never thought possible!! Really! Radically saved. For a while now I've lived moral, but for a while I still did not choose Him. The thought makes me so sad. Not choosing Him, and choosing all kinds of other things to turn to instead of Him is sin. Is shopping in and of itself sin? No. But shopping to fill a need that only God can fill? Yes and Yes again! I need Him to fill me!! and so is anything else I fill myself with that is not Him!! I need Him to be my everything!! We were created this way; to need Him!!
I'm reading through this Bible Study that I did 4 years ago. It was during a time that The Lord was clarifying His calling on my life yet I was still a very immature Christian and did not realize I was shackled to the pride of my insecurity which was keeping me from surrendering to Him... which in itself makes Him my everything. Surrender. I read these words written by Beth Moore, 4 years ago, and did not recognize what she meant, "...Im not describing what my future would have been apart from salvation. I'm describing what my future would have been without the rip-roaring radical deliverance of Jesus Christ and His complete overthrow of every false Christ in my life." And I totally get it now. At least I think I do... I'm positive I have so much more to learn!! It is Christ who causes me to recognize the things I need to release and obtain; and it is through my surrender to Him that I even have the sight to recognize it.
I love Him more today than I ever have. Radical Salvation. Radical Redemption. Saving Faith, not just for eternity but for every single day. He saves me from my daily sin, my daily junk making it all wash out like that wellspring I was telling you about a couple days ago! So that I then have the ability to Love Him more tomorrow and to be even more surrendered because areas I wasn't surrendered before were brought to my attention. He is my everything. Surrendered and in Love with my Savior.
What is THAT anyway? Purely sifted by the enemy, bit by bit. And? And bit by bit the Lord has strengthened and rebuilt. I ended up staying a baby Christian for a long time. Mediocre in the Word (at best), and weak in faith. I'm pretty sure that almost every prayer I've ever prayed up to the last 6 months, other than that for salvation, has been shrouded in doubt. How is it a person can trust God for the eternal salvation her soul and have doubt in every other area? I'm realizing how blinded I have been.
Salvation is far and above more than anyone can imagine. It is more than securing eternity in heaven!!! MORE!!! God is God, He didn't do all He did to save us from hell alone, He did it also to save us to Him, so that we could grow in Him... to have freedom from sin and therefore a freedom to choose sin or His ultimate peace without sin. FREEDOMMMM! Not only are the shackles to hell released, but so are the shackles to all that binds us on this earth... that binds us from even the ability to choose Him. Without that first choice to ask for forgiveness of my sins & Love Him back there is no choice. That is the first choice!!! After that is made we have a choice to be free and stay free from sin, etc... it's a choice. Before Jesus... there is no choice. We can't help but sin. Not that I don't sin now. I do, everyday. It's human, but I have The Savior who has mercy on me a sinner now saved by grace. I did nothing to earn Him, He just Loves me. All. With Him I am being renewed daily; renewed to Him. Radically saved!! There is nothing weak or mediocre about the Saving Power of God!! He seeks to change us from the inside out, helping us to become who He created us to be... which is Me-completed by Him and not dirtied up by sin & alone.
I've lived a pretty moral life for a while now. I haven't always, Christ saved me from immorality and has healed my heart is ways I never thought possible!! Really! Radically saved. For a while now I've lived moral, but for a while I still did not choose Him. The thought makes me so sad. Not choosing Him, and choosing all kinds of other things to turn to instead of Him is sin. Is shopping in and of itself sin? No. But shopping to fill a need that only God can fill? Yes and Yes again! I need Him to fill me!! and so is anything else I fill myself with that is not Him!! I need Him to be my everything!! We were created this way; to need Him!!
I'm reading through this Bible Study that I did 4 years ago. It was during a time that The Lord was clarifying His calling on my life yet I was still a very immature Christian and did not realize I was shackled to the pride of my insecurity which was keeping me from surrendering to Him... which in itself makes Him my everything. Surrender. I read these words written by Beth Moore, 4 years ago, and did not recognize what she meant, "...Im not describing what my future would have been apart from salvation. I'm describing what my future would have been without the rip-roaring radical deliverance of Jesus Christ and His complete overthrow of every false Christ in my life." And I totally get it now. At least I think I do... I'm positive I have so much more to learn!! It is Christ who causes me to recognize the things I need to release and obtain; and it is through my surrender to Him that I even have the sight to recognize it.
I love Him more today than I ever have. Radical Salvation. Radical Redemption. Saving Faith, not just for eternity but for every single day. He saves me from my daily sin, my daily junk making it all wash out like that wellspring I was telling you about a couple days ago! So that I then have the ability to Love Him more tomorrow and to be even more surrendered because areas I wasn't surrendered before were brought to my attention. He is my everything. Surrendered and in Love with my Savior.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Weighted walls
Today as I had plenty of road trip time to study the Bible I'm realizing how blind I've been to so many things. Pride has been eating me alive. In the way of being asked point blank a personal question that would implicate imperfection (even through private Bible studay) & suddenly not being able to come up with anything I struggle with. Giving myself the notion that I'm doing great when on the side lines I can easily slip and find myself focusing on all my imperfections! Depression ensuing-- all this because of insecurity! I know I have got to tear down this wall of pride built by insecurity, it is keeping me from seeing myself for who i am! I realized the wall & started demo today! I'm so thankful for a Savior who will point out the work that needs to be done & simply asks for me to hand it over. Brick by brick it is a lot of work, but it is work that's possible by the hand of God! How else would a person tear down pride? I'm thankful for a Savior who loves us beyond our wildest imaginations & seeks to deliver us from all this extra junk weighing us down!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Traveling 15 hrs in one day sounds crazy; we're going to do it 2 days in a row! The children travel well, but we don't travel light with a family of six and it's chaotic with multiple overnight stops. We do love traveling!
The Lord is so amazing that as we travel through this life He seeks to lighten the weight of what we carry so much that He carries it all even nailing our sin to the cross!! We don't have to carry regret, grief, anger, or anything else! We have a God who desires to carry it all for us!! So why not trust the creator with His creation? Giving my junk to Him, laying it down daily... Living in greater and greater peace!
The Lord is so amazing that as we travel through this life He seeks to lighten the weight of what we carry so much that He carries it all even nailing our sin to the cross!! We don't have to carry regret, grief, anger, or anything else! We have a God who desires to carry it all for us!! So why not trust the creator with His creation? Giving my junk to Him, laying it down daily... Living in greater and greater peace!
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