Love is not proud. Pride. We're talking about the kind of pride here that gloats, that takes credit that belongs to God. Pride does not give God the credit for all He does through me and for me. He created me, He gave me any talent I have, He saved me from eternal damnation & earthly slavery to sin, there is nothing I can do that will make any eternal difference without Him. I need Him for everything, everything any of us are is because of Him.
Jesus came to earth to live in a human shell-- becoming the absolute example of humility. And He never bothered standing up for Himself, or make a case for Himself to anyone pleading for respect; rather He lived by example and Loved-- which is not proud. I was convicted today as I read about the humility and modesty of Christ, who never went back to His disciples and asked if He did a good job... no instead His confidence came through His relationship with God the Father. It's a thing I've done countless times mainly due to my own insecurities that need feeding so I can feel secure for a moment. I think it's something we all crave & hint for-- others' approval. That false security produces pride; even if for a moment. There are all kinds of things I can become prideful over in a moment and then when it fails again depression ensues. The answer to fight against the depression and the pride is to give credit to God and to have relationship that is continuously growing closer to God-- for that is where godly confidence is born in us, it is where He gets the glory and He shines like a beacon through our lives. That close relationship with Him is where the opposites of Love slide off of us and Love abides stronger than ever. Build LOVE & pride dies. Asking God to help us choose Love in the moment rather than pride is the secret. Yeah. it's something I'm definitely giving to the Lord... because truly I can do nothing with out Him.
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