Sunday, January 20, 2013

He wants nothing more.

What God wants most from us is to simply be with Him, in relationship.  A real 2 person communicative, loving relationship.  When this is the truth... and it is always the truth for every single person... why do we choose other things?  
Failing-- whatever that looks like for the individual-- is like this abyss that keeps pulling us down to wallow in it as long as it can keep us.  But get up and fail forward, that is fail straight into the grace of God.  I'm not saying to fail on purpose which would clearly be sin on top of sin. I am saying that when we fail we should not sink down into it and stay there, but rather ask God for forgiveness and get up and walk with Him in His grace.  Stop staying down, there is no relationship there and the abyss is bottomless and will pull us straight to death if we let it.  Embracing my desperation for God right where I am will certainly keep me from death-- for the gift of God is eternal life. 
Making peace with God's will is embracing that relationship, asking forgiveness for the sin that kept us from Him & forsaking it completely.  This is where to live in the "peace that passes understanding."
I'm consistently taking a few steps forward and a couple back, then beating myself up because I took a few back.  Punishing myself emotionally keeps me from continuing forward... but if I truly take a moment to look, there has been progress and I'm not anywhere close to the person I used to be, even if I still have a long way to go.  sigh.  Like I was saying in the previous post the Lord keeps showing me that I need to keep my eye on Him, on the prize. 
Psalm 16:8
"I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

What He wants most is to be with me & I want nothing more than to have a real & passionate relationship with our Creator & Savior.  What could possibly be more valuable?  Surely, nothing I am holding so tightly to can even come close to matching such value. 

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