Wednesday, January 9, 2013

tomorrow will be a hectic day!! LORD HELP me!!

I can already feel the stress starting to mount as Madelyn bursts into tears-- wailing.  No. Tomorrow, I believe the real wailing will begin and I'm tempted not to make her.  Bribe her to get a flu shot along with her other siblings (2 of which already had a flu shot but have to go back to finish the catch up on vaccines). In the past few years when we didn't get the shot, we did get the flu.
Shots for FOUR children.
Lunch. IN public. with Four young children-- who just got shots, because our house is 40 minutes away from our pediatrician.
Possible fevers after.
A trip to Target or Toys R' Us to satisfy the bribe so they'll bravely-- though screaming-- take the shots.
Home. briefly.
And off alone to a new God-led adventure for the evening.
I already want to sleep after tomorrow's day.
I already feel the weight of the children's tears during our pediatrician visit and weariness afterwards.
And THIS... this anxiety is why prayer is so important, giving it all over to God, for it is HE who wants our responsibility for our lives. My hands off my life and HIS hands gently holding it, protecting it, redeeming it. When I throw off my anxiety for the day onto HIM, just as He asks us to do, He promises to give me rest!! Rest in the midst of a stressful day? Peace that passes understanding? I'll take it, gladly... and first... I will throw--as hard as I can-- my anxiety for today onto Him. And I'll do it again the next day. Forming a daily habit of casting all my cares on Him for He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7)!! <3

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