Monday, January 21, 2013

Practicality & Pity Parties

I'm not exactly the best as embracing change, in fact I always have an urge to fight it.  If the change is a healthier or better way of living I'll have a pity party for a few days before completely embracing it. It's sad but true.  The Lord has steadily been encouraging me to make the step & stop focusing on what I'd be losing.  
I've almost always had trouble falling asleep, but through December it just grew increasingly worse until I was awake until 5am tossing and turning. The Lord is leading me to change my schedule a great deal and the only way to make it all happen is to be asleep by a certain time, far before 5am.  So, I just prayed and prayed and asked HIM how in the world it could be possible to fall asleep so quickly.  His response was that I needed to stop eating sugar again, to which I responded like any 2 year old would.  I ate plenty of sugar over the next few days, kinda hoping that I "heard" HIM wrong.  He told me that the sugar in my system was contributing to the insomnia.  What?!!  NOOOOO!!!! I don't really want to give up all the sweet treats I love so much, that I've finally gotten a hold on to only have them in complete moderation.  boooo.  So I focused on all the yummy things I can't eat/ drink anymore. It's still hard not to focus on them.  Today was day 1 without refined sugar.  The Lord encouraged me last night to focus on the blessing He is trying to give me... sleep!! a thinner body!! a healthy body!! a decrease in cancer & diabetes risk!! ALL good things. Stop focusing on what you're losing and start focusing on the blessing.  So I woke up this morning and began.  This evening I went to the store and bought a bunch of fruit and cut it all up in order to have easy access to it when I want to munch on something sweet. 
The Lord is good and wants to do good things to us, He Loves us beyond what our imaginations can fathom. 
So after fighting God that the sugar was contributing to my insomnia for a few days, I told a friend about it and she was quick to give me a link confirming this truth. Here is a link to the article: "Can a Proper Diet Help With Insomnia"  If you read the article you'll also see that there is more to it than just sugar, but the thing in this article that was glaring in my personal diet is sugar-- it might be something else for you, if you also struggle with insomnia. 
I love the Lord-- it is so cool that He leads in physical practicality as well as spiritual practicality. <3

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