Saturday, March 2, 2013

Swallowed whole into nothingness

Have you ever struggled to give up something that God was asking for? As a young Christian there were a few things in my life that were obvious sin that I gave to God then in failure do it again, I'd go back and forth until it was completely pruned. As a more mature believer & woman I struggle to give things that aren't obvious sin to Him at all, it's down-right rebellion. And I start to understand why those living in excess have an easier time going through the eye of a needle than entering heaven-- because it's just that difficult to give up something, anything. (If you're an American, you live in excess! Ask any child sponsored by compassion or world vision). And as Im holding tight and tighter to the temporal things of this life I can feel the temporal start to swallow me whole into it's black abyss of nothingness. And isn't that exactly what our enemy seeks to make us-- nothing? I can hear the call of Christ, the One who can pull me back out & rescue me. Why does this abyss feel so cozy? He's calling us all to shift our focus from the temporal to the eternal, it's in that place where He works miracles in us and though us. So let us run to the One who rescues us from nothingness and gives us a life of pure purpose in Him! The abyss is not cozy for long.

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