Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm so frustrated

The things that frustrate us about other people are most often the exact things that frustrate us about ourselves. It's true even if and especially when we don't necessarily recognize it. Not always, but most often!!!

It is also true that if we aren't welcoming Gods grace in our lives then we're not giving it either. Opening ourselves up to God's love, forgiveness-- His grace to us in our imperfection-- also opens us to giveHis grace out to those who fail like us.

Of course frustration does come when we don't understand how someone else is struggling, because we don't relate at all. We can still open to give them the grace that God has given us because all of us are broken & fallen people.

I also get frustrated when my children aren't moving out the door as fast as I want them to,or behaving the way I want them to, or when they embarrass me in front of others somehow. See how all that frustration is really about me?? We all do that; the other person doesn't have to be your child, it could be anyone.

I've been frustrated a lot lately... Mostly with myself!! And the more frustrated I am with me, the more I'm frustrated with others... Sigh. If I'm truly accepting God's love & forgiveness--His grace, then I give it more freely. And hateful things don't jump out of my mouth so freely.

Accepting grace.

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