Thursday, July 5, 2012


I don't know about you but it is so easy for me to get completely wrapped up in large (or small) tasks at hand.  This week I've been planning my homeschool year. The girls will be studying Astronomy and have a project to do at least every other week! It's an immersion study.  Like this particular program it is easy for me to get immersed in what I'm doing so much that nothing else can seep in.  I've pretty much done just that this week in my planning venture.  God is teaching me how to regulate my time and be regimented in the segments of my life, rather than straining to achieve the finish line in one segment at a time.  I tend to do the latter.  He keeps reminding me to rest in the regiment of my life; there in lies growth & learning; peace & satisfaction; & depth & insight.  Now if I could just focus on the daily, rather than the finish line-- constantly attempting to move it up in every area of my life.  Its just an added pressure to the perfectionism God is sloughing off of me.  He tells us, ""Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, NIV).
I'm going to Him. I'm tired of burdening myself with many things including the how in my doing... I am weary of the perfectionism and pressure from hurrying to get this thing & that thing done so then I can finally __________.   If I live regimented & structured I will get to live life & get to be with God rather than living overwhelmed.
Life learning is a hands-on process; I'm so thankful that God's hands are on me shaping me, helping me, making me into who He created me to be.  Daily.

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