Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is Hope.

I wish Ann VosKamp and I could have a long conversation over iced tea (or coffee... whtever).  It seems like God was showing her some amazing things about life and giving and thankfulness and really being close to Him while she was on a trip to Haiti the last few days (see her blog  As I was saying a few days ago, I often feel guilty for the "comfort" my family's life affords us, while there are so many around the world much less down the street living in need. As I've been working on this thankfulness journal, inspired by Ann, I feel guilty as I pen the majority of what I'm thankful for.  Most of them have to do with 'American comfort' or health... luxury.  A lot of time, I can feel embarrassed. 
A couple of days ago I wrote that God was reminding me that He puts each of us in the exact positions we're in for a purpose.  Purpose. Don't feel guilty.  I'm a little more than 1/2 way through reading Ezekiel now and as I've been thinking over some of the things Ann said in her blog yesterday, a few old testament positions came to mind.  God on purpose took His people in and out of captivity. The purpose? To draw people to Himself to show people that He is God.  Throughout Jeremiah and Ezekiel people were doing all kinds of evil things, like killing & eating their own children... They had totally rejected God. God over a lifetime left His people in captivity and then redeemed them.  While they were there the Babylonians, who basically owned them, treated them horribly. Beatings...  And God said He would have His revenge on the Babylonians for treating His people with such contempt. Wow!
My question.  Isn't neglect considered a worse abuse than physical abuse? What we aren't doing to/for people in countries like Haiti (there are so many more suffering) is far worse than what the Babylonians did do to their captives.  Draw your own conclusion.
God did put each of us where we are for a purpose.  He wants us drawn close to Himself, there is nothing greater in this life. Everyone can find something to be thankful for, and a reason to cry out to God for redemption and salvation. We all need Him.  Because of what He has given me and probably you, we can help... we can make a difference!! ... This is the place where I very often get cynical and say/ think something like 'well if their government would just...'   Here's the thing, putting off someone because their family, or government, or church or, or, or... are'nt helping them lumps us in with the unhelpful.  If we can help even 1 person, we've made a difference!

There are so many opportunities in this country to help, whether it is to work in a soup kitchen, food pantry, or homeless shelter, or taking bag lunches to the homeless if you live in a larger city (telling them that Jesus Loves them)... there is a need & we can look to fill it some how.  There are a couple of great international organizations that I've been a part of at some point, they are great! Check them out for yourself, make a difference! Giving the Love of Christ.

Whether horribly poor of filthy rich, everyone needs the Love of Christ!! He already Loves us, & many believers have been hoarding it far too long.  God Loves you right where you are.  John 3:16-17, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him."  This is hope.

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