Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Multitude Mondays: pounding out depression

The past few days depression type issues keep surfacing. For no reason really crying would feel good if I could only do it.  Old intrusive thoughts are rising up. There is no outside circumstance setting me up to feel this way, it just is.  But I have this new tool.  A tool to fight.  A tool to pound out the nails that cause depression.  Nails of ingratitude. Nails of self centeredness.  The tools? Heartfelt, intentional gratitude to God & service to others. To fight, to pound this crap out of my heart I stop and find something to give thanks for.  Thank you Ann Voskamp for sharing this tool you found in God's word!   I used to live depressed, now its typically only an issue when I'm hormonal. I can fight using this tool even when it's hormonal issues tempting the depression to rise up, the battle ends up in my mind after all even if it is difficult and constant because of the hormones.   When I'm thankful to Him it doesn't make the pms go away, but it does keep my thoughts from going in the suicidal direction. Thankfulness also keeps me from wanting to act violently by word or deed. 

#268. roses showing up on the bush at the end of August after they all burned up & turned brown in July!! unexpected beauty!

#269. naps for the entire family 

#270. time with friends.

#271. extended time available to be in Bible Study

#272. hearing the girls pray! They prayed for a friend after she went home that the next time she came she wouldn't cry when she left.  

#273. Nathan doing a head stand and giggling in his little almost 3 year old voice "look Mom, look" 

#274. my washer & dryer!!!

#275. unplanned date nights!

#276. Madelyn's eagerness to learn!

#277. Amelia's new puckered kiss and sound effects "Mmmmwwwaaa"  haha. She'll be 15 months old on Saturday. 

#278.  Amelia's dance: waving her arms and shaking her head.

#279. God's direction

#280. friends to text with regarding spiritual growth & God's word. <3

#281. kiddie pool play,  4 children giggling,  the sun kissing us warm in the last few days of summer

#282. my husband coming home early simply because he wants to be with us :) I love him!

#283. the mailman leaving mail even when a car is parked practically in front of the mailbox. 

#284. hugs from my children

#285. Isabelle becoming more independent

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