Friday, December 28, 2012

Making a major change

For several months now I've preoccupied my time with a lot of in-necessity. It's become a weight that feels like I'm shackled to the bottom of the ocean. I'm breaking free. Jesus came that we could live set free & for that I am devoted to Him. My use of time is getting a good decluttering & a major rearranging-- I think this is one of my biggest struggles. Parenthood does not give my body the liberty to live the night owl type life I think I thrive on, instead it requires that I live more structured and disciplined. It's something I haven't done in months & the added weight of insomnia has been pushing me over the edge for a few wks now. The Lord has a purpose for all of this and I praise Him. But I'm seeking to make peace with Him in this seemingly simple discipline.
If I told you what my schedule for the last several months has been, you'd be shocked. And as I wrote out a timeline of the perfect wk, I put all of my necessary activities in first and guess what!? There was little to no room left for anything else. Which means 50+% of how I spend my time has GOT to go. There's just no time left. I was stunned when I saw it all on paper! No wonder The Lord has been pushing me to stop these things!! Why have I been so stubborn? We have an enemy seeking to consume our lives & our focus can easily get shifted & the thing we need the least begins to feel like it must be the most important thing in our lives. It feels like giving it up or restructuring our lives would hurt us, even when it's clearly reeking havoc in our lives.

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