Monday, May 28, 2012

A Miracle

One of the things I love about the Lord is that He sticks to His promises.  A couple of my favorites:
*He promises to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8).
*He promises to help us grow up and out of the ugliness that is in each of us (Philippians 1:6).
*there are plenty more, but these are the 2 I'm excited about today.

Recently a friend of mine shared her testimony with me, which I am not going to repeat here due to privacy matters.  I have been in complete awe of God ever since hearing it!! Complete AWE!  I have gotten used to Christians who just sit and wallow in their junk, I myself did just that for so so long!!  The thing is that we are born again, temples of the Holy Spirit of God, His light is shining in us and is ready to help us clear the junk out of our own personal temple.  For some reason, some bodily temples look more like a hoarder lives inside than the Spirit of God.  God wants so badly to show us a miracle in the transformation of our lives!!  When you were born again you knew you were different from that moment on, but some of us still refuse to allow God to clean out the "ick" from our hearts.  He wants to show you a miracle in your own life.  The process to God's miracle work can be instantaneous, but is often more of a process, bit by bit step by step and an uncomfortable process at that.  His miracle work has a lot to do with prodding unhealthy habits from our spiritual grasp & helping us rely on Him instead of that habit. Sometimes its helping us to learn the fruits of the Spirit like patience for instance, infusing them into our lives (Galatians 5).  Patience is not fun to get, but really great to have! I'm pretty sure we'd all agree to that.  We all need Gods help regardless of whether He is helping us out of the darkest ugliest place anyone could ever live or if she is the person that everyone thinks has it all together.  He is the healer of broken hearts!!  We all need Him to perform a miracle in our lives.  And if you take His hand and ask for His guidance each day, He will help you become one of His miracles!  Thank you friend for sharing your testimony, God truly re-infused hope back into my life because you were willing to share; the Lord removed a little more of my cynicism  because of you.   Folks, God truly can work a miracle in your life and/ or in the lives of those you might think are hopeless.  We are all hopeless apart from God, He alone can save us from anything!!  I'm so thankful that God promises not to leave us or forsake us and that He will continue His good work in us until the day of Jesus Christ (Deut 31:8, Phil 1:6).  Step 1: Ask on a soul level God to forgive you of your sins and come in to your heart, this is getting born again. Step 2: Trust Him and walk with Him daily, in Bible study, in prayer & in the fellowship of the saints.

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