Thursday, May 10, 2012

NCs Amendment One

It's almost September and I've decided to delete my original post on this subject; I think there was a lot of room for misunderstanding in it...  This is the point I so want to make:  As Christians we should all seek the Lord on this issue.  We know what the Bible says about sexuality.  We should seek the Lord to direct us on how to respond & what it might mean to love one another.  How to be gentle as Paul says.

I've heard a lot of stories about bigots spewing homophobic hate all over the place and justifying it using the Bible, this seriously irritates me to no end!  I've also heard just as many stories about loving Christians being asked point blank what they believe and then being called a bigot for it.  God gave each one of us the right to choose.  One particular story stands out in my mind about this homophobic college girl sharing her hate in a college classroom & then used the Bible to justify it, she caused a lot more hurt and anger than anything.  I'm certain that this is NOT what God wants from us!! Because of girls like her every Christian who reads warnings about sexuality in scripture & heeds them gets the same label.  AGH!  Then I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people are guilty of some sort of sexual sin, so as Jesus said, 'He that is without sin, cast the first stone.'  We should be seriously considering if our actions or words are going to hinder more than help others to Christ.  After all we all need to be pushed toward God by each other.

The Lord has His reasons to warn us about sexual stuff whether hetero or homo.  That aside.  He wants a relationship with each one of us in a desperate kind of way and He's interested in the person, undeterred with what we're like when He finds us. A real relationship. He wants each of us to let Him LOVE us & to come to Him just the way we are!!  He came to earth in human form, died, & rose again to make it possible. And we should be loving one another too!

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” Matthew 22:37-40.


  1. So beautifully put, Carrie! Thanks be to God that your eyes are on the Giver of all good gifts, the Healer of all wounds - on the Restorer of our souls! We have a gay son who works on the Trevor Hotline in LA as a volunteer listening to those who are ready to end their life due to the pain of this kind of hateful 'love'...these confused young people call in to the hotline in desperation looking for reasons to get up and try again tomorrow. In many of the conversations it is their parents rejection that drives them to the end of their rope and to true despair. The parents often say it is 'hating the sin but not the sinner' their own confusion and pain hardens their hearts - speaking empty words before they are truly yielded to God on this matter. I know because I've been in their shoes and our son has known this form of despair. May Christ followers humble themselves before God and walk yoked to Jesus...He is gentle and lowly of heart...never shames, condemns or turns aside when there is need, pain, sorrow or sin - He never changes His position of loving without stop especially those who are despitefully used by people who call Him Savior! The work of the cross is finished; we can all walk in the forgiveness accomplished there for every man, woman and child! Today we cry, 'come, Lord Jesus, come...we pray for the peace of Jersulem' and for peace of the hearts of the Jesus becomes Lord over all our many needs... Happy Mother's Day, Carrie!

  2. This is an excellent post Carrie. What has happened in NC, and all the ugliness that came with it (and after it) has been sad to see. Thank you for pointing us all to where we should be looking.
