Sunday, June 3, 2012


I'm in Psalms now and part of what I read tonight was Psalm 102-106.  I encourage you to read it too:  (the link is just 103, but you simply tap the arrow next to 103 and it'll take you to the next chapter).
In Psalm 103 the psalmist says, "don't forget" all God's benefits & then he lists them:
He forgives all your sins.
He heals all your diseases.
He redeems your life from the pit.
He crowns you with love and compassion.
He satisfies your desires with good things.
He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
He loves us as high as the heavens are above the earth.
He forgives as far as the east is from the west.
He is compassionate.
He remembers that we are formed from dust.
His love is with us from everlasting to everlasting.

I read 'don't forget' and I thought, 'wow! I need to make a thankfulness board for how God keeps His promises & reveals Himself to me & to my family.  I then continued to read.

Psalm 105:5, "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,"(NIV). In this chapter the psamist lists the miracles of God in their lives on a consistent basis over year and years time.  I read 'remember' and immediately thought, 'wow! I should add how He has worked in our lives individually so that we recognize and remember his daily miracles in our lives to that board.'  I continued to read.

Psalm 106:15, "But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel" (NIV).  If you read through the rest of this chapter you would see all the sin they fell into, all because they forgot.

The psalmist is talking about what God did to free the people from Egypt and how He guided them in the wilderness for 40 years.  The miracles were pretty thick on their lives, I mean when was the last time a pillar of fire lit your way through darkness?  Have you had food fall from the clouds lately?  No, we have flashlights and grocery stores these days.  Today God's miracles come to us in different ways but He is still in the miracle making business!!  For a person to be completely self centered to becoming a giving sacrificial person is indeed a miracle of God and He does that in those who are willing. He does all kinds of miracles in the hearts of those who are willing... He also still heals sickness, whether instantaneously or through the hands of a doctor. He is still all of the things listed from Psalm 103, His benefits are rich- He has not changed and does not change.  Psalm 102:27, "But You remain the same, and Your years will never end" (NIV).  I'm so thankful that God, the Creator of the Universe, is so pure in person. I'm thankful to be swimming in His all consuming Love and not dried up in some spiritual desert only living and breathing because of Him despite whether or not I recognize that is why.  Don't forget, Carrie, don't forget... He has worked miracles in my life over and over.  I have forgotten before, but I want to be in the business of remembering and praising Him for who He is and for all He does to keep me.  I'm so so thankful that He carries me daily!

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