Saturday, June 23, 2012


Today I read Isaiah 40:31 with fresh eyes, " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (KJV).
I have this tendency to hear something from God and then to barrel ahead to achieve it.  My girls ages 7 and 5 do the same thing with me; I tell them of a future activity and they want to go now.  Right now.  When I was pregnant with Amelia they really had to learn to wait.  Every couple of days we'd go through the list of all the celebrations we had to have before she would be born: Christmas, Valentines Day, StPatricks Day, Easter, Dance Recital, Mommy Day, Memorial Day/Beach trip, then the baby will be ready.  They get so excited about a promise I make them that we'll do something cool and nothing in the present seems to satisfy them as much as that fulfilled promise would fulfill them, but they have to wait on me & time.  In the mean time I so want them to enjoy the day, to play and laugh and have fun being a child. Most of the time they do, but every now and then they'll get in a rut and be bored just thinking about future fun.  I am exactly like this with God. Exactly.
I wanted to find the man of my dreams when I was 17, someone who would love me for me and I prayed for that, and I prayed that we'd be prepared for each other ahead of time... We met just before turning 24.  Seven is the number of perfection and after 7 years I met that man and didn't even know it.  After a few months of hanging out with him strictly as friends, God told me that I loved him.  I had no idea.  I thought love was supposed to be some gushy romantic thing, but he was such a great friend... besides that I was super hung up on the guy I had seen before meeting him.  God had to un-hang me and get me on the right track with the right guy.  I definetly didn't think I was the right person for him and vise-versa, but God had other plans, I'm so unbelievably happy I listened to God!
I'm in a new season of waiting which really is learning to enjoy today as it is for we are not promised tomorrow. Learning to be thankful for all the things God does all throughout the day. Learning to only plan ahead what I can actually plan ahead like homeschooling, and not planning things I have no control over planning quite yet.  I can only divulge what God has said to me and I know nothing more. In other words, I only know what I know and I don't know what I don't know.  Learning to be happy in today and not letting other's perceived judgments of me direct me.  Only God & my husband have that right.  Happy in today being led solely by God, fully relying on Him.  Learning. This verse was so encouraging to come across today as I learn to wait on Him while  enjoying Him in today. Happily & expectantly waiting.  Counting my blessings each day.  Learning to be settled and rested in Him. Carried.

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